The new regime of sanctions against Zimbabwe's top government officials and their enablers is new wine in an old wineskin and will not achieve anything in bringing change to the country, analysts have said. On March 4, the United States (US) government-imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe's President... – The Zimbabwe News You Trust is Zimbabwe’s leading online newspaper and published by New Zimbabwe Media Ltd. The platform brings you the latest breaking News, Business, Showbiz, Sports, Diaspora and gives you everything you’ve come to
Britain is ready to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe when it leaves the European Union. In readiness for its exit from the EU, which now appears to have been pushed back until October, Britain has published the Zimbabwe (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 which will define its new foreign pol...
sanctions on Zimbabwe if it began enacting political and economic reforms, he said. In a message for Zimbabwe's political leaders, he said: "Our position has always been that if they engage in the constitutional reforms, economic and political reforms, and move forward to protecting political ...
The camp set up directly in front of the embassy symbolizes Zimbabwean people's horrid living conditions caused by over two decades of sanctions, she said. U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday signed an executive order to terminate a Zimbabwe Sanctions program that has been in effect since 2003...
February 22, 2021Staff ReporterHeadlines,Zimbabwe0 Kembo Mohadi Spread the love YET another audio conversation between Vice President Kembo Mohadi and a Bulawayo lover has gone viral on social media. In the latest audio, Mohadi is heard trying to put up a romantic tone and inviting his “honey...
Zimbabwe sanctions debated at UN group BRIEFLY: UNITED NATIONS, New YorkThe New York Times Media Group
HARARE, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Zimbabwean Parliament has started hunting for people to serve in the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) following the mass resignation of previous commissioners before the expiry of their term in office. ...
“It is not an easy process, but we are working on it. “More information will be released when we have completed the structure.” The primary and secondary school year traditionally runs on three terms, each with three months. Zimbabwe Schools Development Associations/Committees secretary-general...
“But something that is beyond my powers, presidents will have to work together to ensure that whatever remaining sanctions in Zimbabwe are removed,” Mr Mboweni said. “Those sanctions are causing big problems. Because if you want to go and do anything that involves the US dollar and you ar...