Traditionally, Khat has been frequently chewed on social occasions, in public spaces or designated rooms in private homes. The medical and psychosocial impacts of khat chewing have been reported previously. However, the effect of chewing Khat on some biochemical and hematological pa...
All of the drugs of interest can have severe side effects. Most are currently illicitly but widely used as “recreational drugs”. Some of these drugs of interest currently undergo a clinical re-evaluation and may be approved for the treatment of psychiatric diseases (e.g. MDMA in Australia: ...
The reported prevalence of khat chewing in Europe and the USA is on the rise, especially with global migration. Long‐term khat chewing has several detrimental general and oral health effects. The aim of the present study was to review the current literature regarding khat use and its ...
The chemical structure and biological activity of cathinone are similar to that of amphetamine and it accounts for most of the pharmacological effects of khat chewing [12]. Khat extract and cathinone have been demonstrated to impede ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and protein ...
Effects of Khat Chewing in the Oral CavityI.N. AYAGAH
The khat habit was associated with strain on family relationships, anti-social behaviour and some health effects such as insomnia, but there was a general lack of education on the negative effects of khat chewing on health. Conclusion: These results are consistent with other studies in Somalia ...
More than 20 million people in the East African horn and the southern Arabian Peninsula chew khat (Catha edulis) on a daily basis. The glycemic effect of khat chewing, regardless of diabetes status, is still being debated. Using studies from countries where chewing khat is common, we ...
Chewing khat during pregnancy adversely affects maternal and fetal health, but available studies are scarce and inconsistent, and it is difficult to conclude the relationship between khat consumption and perinatal outcomes. We aimed to investigate the available studies on the effect of khat use during...
The current study's aim is to evaluate the possible interaction effects of khat chewing on treatment of paranoid schizophrenic patients.In the study group, 42 male subjects suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and were classified according to their khat chewing habits into two subgroups: either...
Sir, having worked as a GDP in an area with a very high population of patients regularly chewing the green-leaved plant khat, I have witnessed first-hand the destructive effects it can have upon oral health. Commonly chewed habitually amongst certain communities for its effects of euphoria and...