An arising lack in water supply for cooling purposes will negatively affect the electricity generation in European nuclear power plants and this, in turn, will exert an influence on electricity exchanges between countries. In this study we analyze the influence of climate change on electricity ...
Climate change has always existed over the course of our planet’s history. But the global warming that we have been seeing for around the last 150 years is anomalous because it is the result of human activity. It’s called the anthropogenic greenhouse effect and occurs in addition to the ...
inClimate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ed. M. L. Parry,
Climate change is one of the most serious impediments to agricultural prosperity in Ethiopia, especially where livestock is concerned. In particular, rural farming communities in the drylands of the Afar region are severely exposed to the impacts of clim
rising temperatures;greenhouse gases;deforestation;chemical fertilizers;solar radiation;physical and biological;species;War and conflicts;energy efficient;way of farming
However, the improvement of EE may generate new energy demand through the mechanisms of the substitution effect, income effect and output effect, making the saved energy partially, completely, or even excessively consumed, thus generating an energy rebound effect9. The specific mechanism is shown in...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Addressing the intertwined issues of climate change and sustainable development requires a focus on cities as key drivers of global transformation (Bazaz et al., 2018; UN). Also, more than half of the world's population currently resides in urban areas, a number projected to increase to 68% ...
The development of pre-service teachers’ digital teaching competence is crucial for effectively infusing technology into teaching. With the growing importance of data in education, it is imperative to explore the influencing factors of digital teaching competence and the potential role of data literacy...
This has helped our countries to grow and become rich by fueling our factories and transportation systems, generating electricity, and heating our buildings.As our countries have developed, more and more people have become able to afford cars, air flights, comfortable houses with heating and ...