Impact of climate change on energy use in the built environment in different climate zones—a review. Energy 42, 103–112 (2012). Article Google Scholar Emodi, N. V., Chaiechi, T. & Rabiul Alam Beg, A. The impact of climate variability and change on the energy system: A systematic ...
Major transformation of the global energy system is required for climate change mitigation. However, energy demand patterns and supply systems are themselv
Impact of climate change on energy use in the built environment in different climate zones–a review. Energy 42, 103–112 (2012). Google Scholar Auffhammer, M. & Mansur, E. T. Measuring climatic impacts on energy consumption: a review of the empirical literature. Energy Econ. 46, 522...
China's provincial panel data, this paper uses FE and sys-GMM models to examine the impact of climate change on energy poverty, and the moderating effect of environmental regulation in the relationship between climate change and energy poverty, which enriches the existing literature on energy ...
During the five hottest days of every year, however, the effect of climate change on renewable energy production was more severe. During these peak temperature days that coincided with peak energy demand and peak prices, solar power production was down 0.5%-1.1%, and wind farm production decreas...
This is another impact that climate change placed on the power industry. 2.2 Power industry’s response to the Climate Change 2.2.1 Nuclear power generation It is known to the public that nuclear power is cleaner than coal. Although it may produce dangerous nuclear waste while generating power...
Climate change, marked the increase of Greenhouse gases (GHGs), affects ground heat source, Asphalt/concrete-covered areas and borehole energy at about 0.5 risk levels. Toxicity emerges as the primary environmental impact from ground heat sources (0.7), asphalt/concrete-covered areas (0.6), bore...
Renewable energy resources, which depend on climate, may be susceptible to future climate change. Here we use climate and integrated assessment models to estimate this effect on key renewables. Future potential and costs are quantified across two warming scenarios for eight technologies: utility-scale...
ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT GROWING SOCIETALVALUE GOVERNANCE DATA Climatechangeandtheenergytransitioncontinued Ourapproachtoclimatechange Asoneoftheworld’slargestintegratedenergyandchemicalsproducers,wehavescaledouroperationstomeetgrowingenergydemandacrosstheworld,whichhasbeendrivenbyeconomicgrowth. Aramcoisalwaysseekingwaystoimprove...
Climate change impact on future photovoltaic resource potential in an orographically complex archipelago, the Canary Islands. Renew. Energy 133, 749–759 (2019). Article Google Scholar Dee, D. P. et al. ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Q. ...