Environmental pollution and energy poverty have always been serious challenges for the global energy system. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2020, this paper uses FE and sys-GMM models to explore the impact of environmental
Advances in Applied Energy 是爱思唯尔能源领域旗舰刊Applied Energy(CiteScore 17.6,Impact Factor: 9.746)的开放获取姊妹刊。在Applied Energy 的成功基础上,本刊致力于发表应用能源领域顶尖科研成果,尤其侧重未来能源系统转型和碳中和相关科学和技术跨学科研究,加快缩小研究与应用之间的差距,并为广大科研人员提供一个快...
Energy and Climate Change refers to the relationship between energy systems and the impact they have on the Earth's climate, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and their contribution to global warming. AI generated definition based on: Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004 ...
Gold Fields and other multinational mining houses are members of the Large Open Pit Consortium (an industry-sponsored, international research and technology transfer project) which commissioned an external review of the potential risk and impact of climate change on open-pit mines and waste dumps. Th...
ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT GROWING SOCIETALVALUE GOVERNANCE DATA Climatechangeandtheenergytransitioncontinued Ourapproachtoclimatechange Asoneoftheworld’slargestintegratedenergyandchemicalsproducers,wehavescaledouroperationstomeetgrowingenergydemandacrosstheworld,whichhasbeendrivenbyeconomicgrowth. Aramcoisalwaysseekingwaystoimprove...
Impact of climate change on energy use in the built environment in different climate zones—a review. Energy 42, 103–112 (2012). Article Google Scholar Emodi, N. V., Chaiechi, T. & Rabiul Alam Beg, A. The impact of climate variability and change on the energy system: A systematic ...
Regional PV output could be affected by the regional patterns of temperature and irradiance, which are impacted by climate change. This study examines the impact of climate change on the energy yields from solar PV across China in the future under the medium-emission scenario (SSP245) and high...
Energy and Climate Change is an interdisciplinary journal covering the intersection of energy and climate-related fields, spanning the physical and social sciences, with the aim of identifying real solutions and strategies. Energy and Climate Change aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue … Vi...
To quantitatively analyse the potential impact of these changes on building energy consumption, building energy simulation techniques were used. This study has found that 27 of the 200 cities investigated in this analysis are assigned to new thermal climate zones, and most of these cities have ...
Human energy use directly alters biodiversity through changes in land use and through industrial pollution. Indirectly, human energy use is altering biodiversity through the emission of greenhouse gases that cause globalclimate changeand through other broad impacts on the natural function of ecosystems. ...