Sarah, KellyDebra, AndersonLynne, HallAnn, PedenJulie, Cerel. (2012) The Effects of Exposure to Gang Violence on Adolescent Boys’ Mental Health. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 33 , 80-88 /Kelly, S., Anderson, D., Hall, L., Peden, A., & Cerel, J. (2012). The effects of ...
Black on black violence is an enormous problem in the African-American community. Living in a neighborhood that is mostly minority, many may have witnessed a lot of black on black violence. The black on black violence has continued to arise in many communities and continues to be a problem ...
To explore the efficacy of injunctions, this thesis will focus on three empirical studies that cover a period from 1993 to 2003, when the rates of gang-related violence were at an all-time high and injunctions became the primary tool for City and District Attorneys to combat the nuisance. ...
Parental Warmth and Hostility and the Development of Psychopathic Behaviors: A Longitudinal Study of Young Offenders Article Open access 06 March 2021 Violence Exposure as a Mediator Between Parenting and Adolescent Mental Health Article 12 March 2016 Lifting the Veil of Silence: Parental Harsh ...
Explanations of school disorder have suffered from at least two deficits: (1) institutional explanations of disorder (that is, school climate) have been largely ignored, and (2) insufficient attention to appropriate measures of disorder has guided research and policy. Like people, schools have their...
from El Salvador at such a young age without her parents. She looked at me with her eyes tearing up and told me her biggest reason of leaving was because of gang violence and sexual abuse. She described the streets in El Salvador full of one of the most notorious street gangs The Mara...
The Impact of Gang Violence on the Decisions of Everyday Life: Disjunctions between Policy Assumptions and Community Conditions effectively and the unpredictability of the timing of gang violence contribute to the sense of need to be present and on guard over their families at ... DL Puntenney ...
The public debate regarding criminals and crime usually deals primarily with the crime and the perpetrator at the time of the crime, but hardly with its development and, above all, little with his family and the impact of detention on them. Especially if the perpetrator still has young children...
The Effects of Focused Deterrence Strategies on Crime: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence Objective. Focused deterrence strategies are increasingly being applied to prevent and control gang and group-involved violence, overt drug markets, and in... AA Braga,DL Weisburd ...
In thecontrol group, the viewers were shown news and documentary clips of social problems in the United States that were relevant to the country in general—childhood obesity, teen pregnancy, gang violence and low high school graduation numbers. ...