(2013). Gangs and violence: Disentangling the impact of gang membership on the level and nature of offending. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 29: 143-166.Melde, C., & Esbensen, F. A. (2013). Gangs and violence: Disentangling the impact of gang membership on the level and nature of ...
Howell JC, Griffiths EA (2016) Gangs in America’s communities, 2nd edn. SAGE, Thousand Oaks Google Scholar Huebner BM (2003) Administrative determinants of inmate violence: A multilevel analysis. J Crim Just 31:107–117. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0047-2352(02)00218-0 Article Google Schol...
This can include crime, violence, drug trafficking, and negative impacts on communities, including fear and social instability. 1 What type of word is gang? "Gang" is a noun that refers to a group of people who associate with each other, often to commit criminal activities. 1 How do you...
For other girls, gang affiliation is a deterrent as they fear violence within the relationship. Some girls have sex to cope with violence they experience in their communities and to appease their partners. Only some girls had autonomy and the ability to refuse sex in Conclusions Findings suggest...
Social intervention strategies focus on emergency interventions, particularly in response to acts of violence or personal crises. A number of studies supported the use of crisis intervention and the provision of social services to gang members and their families. Such strategies are proximate: designed...
It used to have 1,200 members, and is now down to about 800. The gang's motto was "kill, rape and control," and it maintained and spread its power by violence. "M-13 members have been convicted of a long list of crimes including assault, murder, conspiracy, racketeering, extortion,...
The G.R.E.A.T. curriculum includes violence prevention, conflict resolution techniques, decision-making, goal setting and problem-solving. The elementary school curriculum is a six-week interactive session for fourth and fifth graders with an emphasis on family involvement. Students are taug...
This subculture, characterized by its distinctive dress code, tattoos, and a code of silence, exerts a significant influence on vulnerable individuals, particularly young people. The impact of gangster culture is multifaceted. Firstly, it promotes a culture of violence and aggression, encouraging ...
“pissed off” by the fact these spaces are permitted, and firmly believes they are dangerous. The subreddit’s own sidebar rules say giving specific medical advice is banned. Reddit itself bans subreddits that explicitly encourage or incite violence, but gangstalking subs do not violate any ...
The Latin America and the Caribbean region has agreed to support and consider as its own, the request presented by El Salvador on behalf of the Central American subregion to initiate an action for the “prevention of youth violence” as evidencedinthegangphenomenonof“Maras” or “Pandillas”....