(2015). Effects of carbon emission regulations on remanufacturing decisions with limited information of demand distribution. International Journal of Production Research, 53(2), 532-548.B. Liu, M. Holmbom, A. Segerstedt, W. Chen, Effects of carbon emission regulations on remanufacturing decisions ...
品市场和完全竞争的碳排放交易市场 ,研究 了市场之间分配和交易碳排放配额的效率。结果表明:由 于产 品市场是不完全竞争的 ,即使碳排放交易市场是完全竞争的,两个产品市场之间交易碳排放权会 降低福利 ;如果政府不能完全识别市场结构 ,两个产品市场之 间交易排污配额可能会改善福利 。 (二 ) 国内对碳排放配额...
This paper investigates the effects of Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) adoption on the country-level reduction rate of carbon emission. We first used Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) tests to group countries into three categories: inverse U-shaped and gamma-shaped EKC for decoupled countries, and ...
Due to the imbalance of technological level and industrial structure in regional economic development, the same carbon source can bring differentiated carbon emission levels in different regions, thus making the carbon emission show significant regional differences. In order to explore the regional differen...
Urbanization, energy intensity, population density, and industry structure have a biggish impact on such spatial distribution of the carbon emission intensity. The direct effect coefficient of the energy intensity is the highest, and the spillover effect of the industry structure is the most ...
energy and environment-friendly technology,China can and is sure to make contributions to global efforts to prevent global warming.Therefore,it can be predicted that the carbon emission intensity will gradually slow down with the economic development and the adjustment of its industrial structural ...
of carbon dioxide emission to population growth, food production, economic growth, livestock and energy utilization in Pakistan. The STIRPAT (Stochastic Impact by Regression on Population, Affluence and Technology) model with the extension of an ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) method was utilized ...
aMinimum levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH, in euro per kilogram of hydrogen, EUR/kg H2) and area (unit: square kilometers, km2) needed for system installation (size of circles) as a function of carbon emission reduction for all ammonia plants in Europe, under different emission constraints ...
A CGE Analysis of the MacroeconomicEects of Carbon Dioxide Emission ReductionontheAlgerian Economy This study analyzes the macroeconomic effects of limiting carbon emissions using computable general equilibrium (CGE) model in the Algerian economy. Doing so, we developed an environmental computable general...
Option Theory Used in Initial Emission Permits Allocation China population, resources and environment, 15 (1) (2005), pp. 52-55 Google Scholar [15] Rong-Gang Cong, Wei. Yi-Ming Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China's power sector: A perspective from different allowance...