Carbon monoxide concentrations were also high. Concentrations of both CO and NOx were significantly higher during the afternoon than during the morning. Air quality crisis in cities is mainly due to vehicular emissions. The effect of vehicular emission on urban air quality and human health has been...
1、2022/7/131Air Pollution EffectsLecture 2 Air Pollution Effects Effects on Human Health Effects on Properties Effects on Visibility Effects on Global Warming (Chapter 14) Effects on Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Effects on Human Health Air Pollutants Criteria Pollutants Sulfur oxides (SOx) Fine ...
The review discovered that temperatures up to 60°C have been recorded in the region and that extreme heat has many adverse effects on human health, such as worsening mental health in low-income adults, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage, and adverse effects on well-being and safety, ...
The effects of climate change on human rights are widespread and complex. Climate change can affect the right to life, health, food, water, and housing, among others. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and natural disasters can lead to loss of life, displacement, and destruction of ...
Population growth has been a leading driver of global CO2 emissions over the last several decades. CO2 emission and greenhouse gas emissions are a key issu
In academia, research has tended to focus on CO2 as this GHG caused by human of total GHG emissions worldwide and is a primary driver of climate change5,6. Policies, therefore, have long focused on methods to reduce carbon emissions effectively. Specifically, as firms’ production activities ...
Stubble burning is one of the major contributors to atmospheric pollution in the world releasing particulate and gaseous pollutants that have severe effects on human health and the environment (Sharma et al., 2010). It is a significant source of air pollution in many parts of the world being ...
Climate, meteorology, solar, wind, emissions and environmental related engineering resources. Physiology Human physiology vs. air quality, comfort temperatures, activity and metabolic rates. Health effects of gases adn polutions like carbon monoxide and more. Ventilation Systems Design of systems for ...
Our research question is whether cool roofs improve human health, indoor climate, economic, and behavioral outcomes. Our health endpoints include cardiovascular, metabolic, sleep, mental health, heat-related, and general health outcomes in home occupants of the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance...
There are health impacts of wildfire smoke in adults. According to a 2015 systematic review of the health effects of wildfire smoke on the general population, most epidemiologic research has been done on respiratory outcomes, with some on mortality and other outcomes as well [6]. Hospitalizations...