PLAY therapyBEHAVIOR therapyCHILD psychologySPEECH therapyAUTISM in childrenThis study aims to analyze whether the combination of play therapy and speech therapy effectively affects the behavioral development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study uses a quantitativ...
Objectives: While many people strive for a fulfilling sexual life as they age, the inevitable changes that come with aging can present significant challenges concerning their sexual well-being (SWB). This study aims to present a comparative analysis of t
(As one example of accounting for the success of one approach in terms of another, the cognitive therapist — and former psychoanalyst — Aaron Beck provides convincing arguments in terms of cognitive therapy for why the therapeutic interventions of a psychoanalyst might have a successful outcome; t...
depression, anxiety disorders) remain unchanged. However, patient numbers have increased as the population has aged; indeed, cancer is a chief cause of mortality and morbidity in older populations. Effectiveness of psychiatric interventions and research to evaluate, inform, and improve interventions is ...
cognitive behavioral therapy and psychomotor therapy; caregiver and family-focused treatments, such as parent training and trauma therapy; and multisystem treatments, such as multisystemic therapy. Despite the different treatment forms, families experience continuity of care as treatments are coherently ...
Anapproachusingastatisticalmethodhasbeenproposedtocomparetheeffectivenessofseveralart therapytoolsinestimatingthelevelofapsychologicalstate,whichincludesvarioussymptomsand disorders.Foreachofthearttherapytools,aregressionmodelisdeveloped,whosedependentvariable (tobeexplained)isthelevelofapsychologicalstate.Variouselementsin...
Effect of Supported Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Self-help vs Supported Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-help for Adults With Depression View LargeDownload Figure 1. CONSORT Trial Profile View LargeDownload CBT-SH indicates cognitive behavioral therapy self-help; CIS-R, Clinical Interview Schedule...
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMBINATION OF PLAY THERAPY AND TALK THERAPY ON THE BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) This study aims to analyze whether the combination of play therapy and speech therapy effectively affects the behavioral development of children with Autis... H Sumastri...
The effectiveness of eLearning in enhancing healthcare professionals’ capacity has received substantial attention globally. This review sought to synthesis evidence on the effectiveness of various types of eLearning programmes, and the facilitators and
A systematic review of the effectiveness of training & education 热度: a systematic and critical review of the literature the effectiveness of occupational therapy home assessment on a range of outcome measures 热度: who -Health effects of the use of non-sugar sweeteners - a systematic review and...