那么到这里我们通过下载数据并整理成R包需要的方式就结束了,然后我们需要使用TwoSampleMR包进行分析 myocardial_exposure_clump<-read_exposure_data(filename="exposure.csv",sep=",",snp_col="SNP",beta_col="beta",se_col="se",effect_allele_col="Effect_allele",other_allele_col="Other_allele",clump=T...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook adverse drug effect ad·verse drug re·ac·tion (ADR)(ad-vĕrs' drŭg rē-ak'shŭn) Any noxious, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug after its administration for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy....
growth.12 For all the SNPs, the analysis was conducted using full genotypes based on the presence or absence of the major Effect of genetic background and latitude on growth C De Leonibus et al 541 allele (dominant model), and the presence or absence of the minor allele (recessive model)...
The F-1 hybrid between the lines is more similar to the line carrying the VRN-B1a allele with regard to the level of VRN-B1 transcription. The difference in the transcript levels of the VRN-B1 alleles appears to be due to the previously identified structural changes in the first intron ...
While a causal connection between agricultural chemicals and Parkinson’s disease has yet to be established, human epidemiological data has largely supported the association between cumulative exposure to some agricultural chemicals, as well as other environmental factors, and the development of disease (...
The respective allele frequencies of Arg192 and Gln192 were 0.62 and 0.38. Pesticide exposure among 36 exposed subjects and 12 unexposed subjects, regardless of gender, was assessed by personal measurement of pesticide residues over an entire 8-hr shift and measurement of urinary p-nitrophenol ...
PCR-RFLP results revealed that Genotype TT was greater than Genotype CC (P < 0.05) for reproductive traits of TNB (Total Number Born) and NBA (Number Born Alive), which suggested that T allele at c.2856C > T locus has advantageous effects on litter size and litter weight in Suzhong pig...
In the presence of Cre recombinase, floxed exon 4 of the IR allele would be deleted, thereby causing a frame shift mutation and an immediate stop of translation. The predicted product of this gene, if one exists at all, would represent a 308 amino acid fragment of the N-terminus of the...
Assuming that sunshine has an effect on suicide numbers that is independent of the seasonal rhythms, we therefore examined whether more frequent fluctuations in sunshine exposure, such as the number of sunshine hours per day, correlate with suicide rates. Using monthly sunshine and suicide data from...
When comparing 5-HTTLPR genotypes, we also compared S'/S' and S'/L' together to L'/L' (thus S'-allele carriers vs non-S'-allele carriers, respectively) to investigate whether potential effects are more generally related to the presence of the S'-allele. RESULTS There were no ...