GitHub 存放庫|NuGet Entity Framework Plus 使用下列功能擴充 DbContext:Include Filter、Auditing、Caching、Query Future、Batch Delete、Batch Update 等等。 針對 EF Core:2-9。 網站|GitHub 存放庫|NuGet Entity Framework 擴充功能 使用高效能大量作業擴充 DbContext:BulkSaveChanges、BulkInsert、BulkUpdate、BulkDe...
EF Core 關聯性對應全都與將關係資料庫中所使用的主鍵/外鍵表示法對應至物件模型中所用對象之間的參考。從最基本的意義上說,這牽涉到:將主鍵屬性新增至每個實體類型。 將外鍵屬性新增至一個實體類型。 將實體類型與主鍵與外鍵之間的參考產生關聯,以形成單一關聯性組態。
var typeMap = virtualTableManager.GetAllVirtualTables().Where(o => o.GetTableAllTails().Contains(tail)).Select(o => o.EntityType).ToHashSet();//设置分表var mutableEntityTypes = modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes().Where(o => o.ClrType.IsShardingTable() && typeMap.Contains(o.ClrType))...
EF Core 可以将任何 IEnumerable<T> 属性(其中 T 是基元类型)映射到数据库中的 JSON 列。 这是通过同时具有 Getter 和 Setter 的公共属性的约定完成的。 例如,按照约定,以下实体类型中的所有属性都映射到 JSON 列:C# 复制 public class PrimitiveCollections { public IEnumerable<int> Ints { get; set; }...
EF Core 2.1 是此处 !并且有许多出色的新功能和改进。而不是接管整个杂志将向您介绍所有这些模板,我将与你共享新的查询类型功能,这使您能够更轻松地查询数据库而无需具有键属性来使用结果,则返回 true 的实体。 查询类型之前,可能会对数据库视图编写查询和执行存储的过程使用 EF Core,但有限制。对于视图,您必须...
this process adds the three EF Core packages, as well as 23 others from the newer, more composable .NET on which EF Core relies. Rather than fewer large packages, I get more small packages—but only those my software needs. These will all play well with the standard .NET libraries alread...
private Entrance Entrance {get;set;} public void CreateEntrance (string sceneName) { Entrance = Entrance.Create (sceneName); } public string EntranceScene => Entrance?.SceneName; By convention, EF Core won’t make a presumption about this private property. Even if I had the backing field, ...
(object) that all classes derive from. Therefore, you must explicitly add that back in. This is not new behavior to EF Core; it’s something you’ve had to do with EF for a long time. In the context of this article, however, it bears repeating. If you’re new to EF with this ...
EF8 is distributed exclusively as a set of NuGet packages. For example, to add the SQL Server provider to your project, you can use the following command using the dotnet tool: Copy dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --version 8.0.0-preview.1.23111.4 Installing the EF...
EF8 is distributed exclusively as a set of NuGet packages. For example, to add the SQL Server provider to your project, you can use the following command using the dotnet tool: Copy dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --version 8.0.0-preview.1.23111.4 Installing the EF...