.HasDiscriminator(e=>e.Type) .HasValue<Cat>("MyCat") .HasValue<Dog>("MyDog") .HasValue<Fish>("MyFish"); modelBuilder.Entity<Animal>().Property(e => e.Type).HasMaxLength(256); 这样我们就完全控制了 Discriminator. TPT (Table-per-type) 第二种映射方式是 TPT (Table-per-type) 它的特色...
schema_name(t.schema_id)+'.'+t.[name]astable_view,casewhent.[type]='U'then'Table'whent.[type]='V'then'View'endas[object_type]fromsys.objects tinnerjoinsys.indexes iont.object_id=i.object_idcrossapply (selectcol.[name]+','fromsys.index_columns icinnerjoinsys.columns colonic.object...
EF Core の既定では、.NET 型の継承階層が 1 つのデータベース テーブルにマップされます。 これは、Table-Per-Hierarchy (TPH) マッピング戦略と呼ばれます。 EF Core 5.0 では、.NET 型ごとに異なるデータベース テーブルへのマッピングをサポートする、Table-Per-Type (TPT) 戦略が...
Table-per-concrete-type configuration Note The table-per-concrete-type (TPC) feature was introduced in EF Core 7.0. In the TPC mapping pattern, all the types are mapped to individual tables. Each table contains columns for all properties on the corresponding entity type. This addresses some com...
Today, the Entity Framework Core team announces the eighth and final preview release of EF Core 5.0. The next release will be a release candidate (RC). This release includes table-per-type (TPT) mapping, table-valued functions, SQLite table rebuilds for migrations and much more. Copy _/\...
Install-PackageMicrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 在 封裝管理員 主控台中執行下列命令,以更新工具。 PowerShell複製 Update-PackageMicrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 驗證安裝 執行此指令來確認工具是否已安裝: PowerShell複製 Get-Helpabout_EntityFrameworkCore ...
EF 9.0 為 Azure Cosmos DB 的 EF Core 提供者帶來大幅改善;提供者的重要部分已重寫以提供新功能、允許新形式的查詢,以及更妥善地讓提供者與 Azure Cosmos DB 最佳做法保持一致。 主要的高層級改良項目如下:如需完整清單,請參閱此 Epic 問題。警告 在提供者的改良項目當中,有一系列高度影響的重大變更必須進行;...
By default, EF Core will map to tables and columns named exactly after your .NET classes and properties. For example, mapping a typical Customer class to PostgreSQL will result in SQL such as the following: CREATETABLE"Customers" ("Id"integerNOT NULLGENERATED BY DEFAULTASIDENTITY,"FullName"tex...
After Insert is done to first table, we need Id-s that were generated in Db because they are FK(ForeignKey) in second table. It is implemented with OUTPUT as part of MERGE Query, so in this case even the Insert is not done directly to TargetTable but to TempTable and then Merged with...