IB IA/EE/TOK TUTORING/指导/培训/辅导辅导对象:IB DP1 DP2学生辅导科目:Math/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/History/Geography/Economics/Computer Science/Business & Management/Chinese/English/辅导形式:Skype & Email & QQ (有需要的话北京学生可与老师面对面交流)辅导内容:1. 师生讨论,确定选题方向Discuss with ...
Also, it must reflect Economic theory and all the subject requirements of the IB Economics EE. Some examples: What is the most critical component that affects the consumer demand for cabbage in Busan, South Korea? How successful has the government’s enactment of excessive tobacco products been ...
29rvk.md 29y63.md 2a2or.md 2a67h.md 2azdg.md 2b8ng.md 2b8nqk.md 2bcyg.md 2bovid.md 2bqb4hiq.md 2bu7hhw2.md 2chAI_LoRA_Dreambooth_guide.md 2chAI_LoRA_Dreambooth_guide_english.md 2d8kz.md 2dvef.md 2e8k542s.md 2ekzq.md 2eu6t.md 2f8so.md 2f9kh.md 2fguw.md 2...
GlobalReadingDetailedReading AfterReading 1.AnEnglishSongABCQuestionsabouttheSong 2.Word-web3.Blank-filling4.ActiveVocabularyandPassiveVocabulary5.Discussion BeforeReading GlobalReadingDetailedReading AfterReading ABC ■ BeforeReading GlobalReadingDetailedReading AfterReading QuestionsabouttheSong 1.Howmanyyearshave...
Deleuze draws upon Bergson to give numerous examples of this in Matter and Memory. An animal moves, but this is for a purpose: to feed, migrate, etc. It might be said that movement presupposes a difference of potential, and aims to fill it. In the famous example to illustrate this, ...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gray leaf spot (GLS) of maize, caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae-maydis, can reduce grain yields by up to 60% and it is now recognized as one of the most significant yield-limiting diseases of maize in many parts of the world. The most sustainable and long-term ...
Suhbatda metodik, kommunikativ muammolarni hal qilish uchun ajoyib kirish qismi mavjud. Siz buni dasturlash uchun intervyu kitoblaridan ham topa olishingiz mumkin, lekin men buni ular ichida juda foydali deb topdim: Algorithm design canvas Uyingizda doska yo'qmi? Bu tabiiy. Men o'...
Members of the school community embody international-mindedness and the IB learner profile attributes. Slide to see the English verison 评价3:学校提供了必要的组织结构、制度和资源。 学校有效地利用调查问卷数据来确定学校发展的...
Previous generations spent time playing board games or card games with family and friends. Nowadays, many young people prefer to play games on their computers and phones. Which do you think is better and why? Use details and examples ...
Examples from Latin America and the Caribbean give a more nuanced description of the reality of women, often forced into prostitution through social and economic inequalities, growing poverty, and the hope for a better life with a foreign husband. (see, e.g., Brennan 2004; Carrier-Moisan ...