Topic 2: Demand Elasticity Topic 3: Macroeconomic Goals Topic 4: Economic Integration HL课程: Topic 2: Market Imperfections – Market Dominance Topic 3: Demand Regulation – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Topic 4: Forms of Trade Barriers and ...
Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though.If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there. If th...
IB IA/EE/TOK TUTORING/指导/培训/辅导辅导对象:IB DP1 DP2学生辅导科目:Math/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/History/Geography/Economics/Computer Science/Business & Management/Chinese/English/辅导形式:Skype & Email & QQ (有需要的话北京学生可与老师面对面交流)辅导内容:1. 师生讨论,确定选题方向Discuss with ...
EE可以考虑在课程学习中已经完成的话题,但学生必须展现更广阔相关性的阅读面与独立研究能力。 It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the topic of their EE does not overlap with any other work they are preparing for assessment in language A—for example, the written assignment in the...
IB EE科目主题不是必须选与大学申请专业相关的。但是,选EE的科目最好选对将来的专业有帮助的会比较好...
Need a Hand with Your Physics IB EE? Hey there, IB students! If you’re stuck on coming up with a topic or diving into writing your Physics IB Extended Essay, don’t sweat it. Our team ofIB experts at Writing Metieris here to help you write a custom IB EE onthis exciting subject...
VA 的 EE 需要..我们VA老师几乎强制要求我们的EE topic是一个争议性话题,比如is Pablo Picasso a cultural thief。但是我自己找了很多范文都不是这样的啊。。cultural ref
EE文章不能是简单的陈述基本原理,而需要涉及个人参与和原创思维等元素。 1.Topic的选择 学生可以选择一个略有挑战性、但不用太专门化的主题,使用课程知识来回答一个超出课程内容的研究问题。 *主题要避免讨论EE范围之外的宽泛或复杂的话题,如对量子计算机或黑洞的研究等等。
If you notice your IA idea is too difficult for the scope of an IA, then maybe it could make a great EE idea. Perhaps with more fleshing out, you could create a great EE topic, which would be beneficial in making it easier to get the diploma!