Centre for Educational Research and InnovationSourceOECD Education & Skills
OECD's annual Education at a Glance looks at who participates in education, what is spent on it, how education systems operate and the results achieved. The latter includes indicators on a wide range of outcomes, from comparisons of students' performance in key subject areas to the impact of...
Education at a GlanceOECD INDICATORSISBN 92-64-10233-796 2003 06 1 PEducation at a Glance OECD INDICATORS-:HSTCQE=VUWXXU:Education at a GlanceOECD INDICATORS Across OECD countries, governments are seeking policies to make education more effective while searching foradditional resources to meet the ...
Education at a Glance is the product of a long-standing, collaborative effort between OECD governments, the experts and institutions working within the framework of the OECD’s indicators of education systems (INES) programme and the OECD Secretariat. The preparation of the ...
内容提示: Education at a GlanceOECD INDICATORSISBN 92-64-10233-796 2003 06 1 PEducation at a Glance OECD INDICATORS-:HSTCQE=VUWXXU:Education at a GlanceOECD INDICATORS Across OECD countries, governments are seeking policies to make education more effective while searching foradditional resources to...
内容提示: INDICATOR B 7Education at a Glance 2016: OECD Indicators © OECD 2016 262WHICH FACTORS INFLUENCE THE LEVEL OF EXPENDITURE ON EDUCATION?• Four main factors influence the salary cost of teachers per student: instruction time of students, teaching time of teachers, teachers’ salaries ...
EducationataGlance2009:OECDIndicators SummaryinChinese 2009 中文概要 •教育概览系经合组织有关教育的国际可比统计资料年度汇编。 •2009年版教育概览审视了教育系统继续不断扩展的情况,2007年大学毕业生人数 比1990年代中期翻了一番。 •在经济下滑资源拮据而人力资源投资需求仍然很高的情况下,本期教育概览也对反...
The 2009 edition of Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators enables countries to see themselves in the light of other countries' performance. It provides a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators on the performance of education systems and represents the consensus of professional thinkin...
《教育概览2015:OECD指标 [Education at A Glance 2015:OECD Indicators]》作者 经济合作与发展组织编;中国教育科学研究院译,出版:教育科学出版社 2017.9,isbn:7519111865, 9787519111861。缺书网提供准确的比价,齐全的书目检索。
作者: OECD 摘要: This edition presents a variety of detailed, comparable and up-to-date indicators on the performance of education systems in OECD countries. The indicators examine participation in education, educational spending, the operation of education systems, and educational outcomes. These ...