AssetActonUtility:可以做修改content broswer里面的资产的工具 新建 做的编辑器命令会出现在右键里面。此时就可以 选中需要修改的资产,然后右键,找到该命令然后执行。 如果想让只在特定类型的资产上跳出对应的文件夹命令,可以选中该命令,看左边function栏上有个override - getsupported class (表示只会出现在支持的类型...
资料 官方文档:虚幻引擎脚本化操作 使用场景 对资产/Actor进行一些脚本化操作,比如做一些资源检查、纠正一些配置项、输出信息等等。 资产/Actor右键可以执行脚本功能 AssetActionUtility示例 检查蓝图资源中的某个配置 创建工具蓝图:内容浏览器右键 -> Editor U
1.创建EditorUtilityTask 首先在内容浏览器(ContentBrowser)中右键,创建EditorUtilityBlueprint: 创建类别选择Editor Utility Tasks编辑器蓝图类: 2.编写Task蓝图逻辑 实现两个蓝图类事件:BeginExecution, CancelRequested,分别对应任务的启用和取消: 在取消事件处写入了变量CancelPending,在执行结束时会读取这个变量判断是否已...
Editor Utility Blueprint FactoryC++ Source:Module: Blutility File: EditorUtilityBlueprintFactory.hEditor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)asset_import_task (AssetImportTask): [Read-Write] Task for importing file via script interfaces automated_import_data (AutomatedAssetImportData...
主要用到的是这两个蓝图:Editor Utility Blueprint和Editor Utility Widget。中文名叫做编辑器工具蓝图和编辑器工具控件(或者编辑器蓝图脚本和编辑器蓝图控件)。在老版本中,用于在编辑器中运行的蓝图图表被称为 Blutility,即蓝图工具(Blueprint Utilities)的缩写。 使用蓝图编写编辑器脚本 | 虚幻引擎5.1文档 (unreal...
1.创建EditorUtilityTask 首先在内容浏览器(ContentBrowser)中右键,创建EditorUtilityBlueprint: 创建类别选择Editor Utility Tasks编辑器蓝图类: 2.编写Task蓝图逻辑 实现两个蓝图类事件:BeginExecution, CancelRequested,分别对应任务的启用和取消: 在取消事件处写入了变量CancelPending,在执行结束时会读取这个变量判断是否已...
在UE中可以使用EditorUtilityWidget创建编辑器面板工具,方便平时的开发。在UE4中使用编辑器UI需要开启对应插件,而UE5中则默认启用,下面就来学习一下。 1.UI创建 1.1.在Content Browser中右键,找到Editor Utilities即可创建编辑器工具。 其中Editor Utility Blueprint为一些编辑器蓝图扩展,较为灵活,不在这次的讲解范围内...
How to create a Editor Utility Blueprint How to run an existing utility Blueprint from the Content Browser One thing to note is that you must have the Python code loaded as part of the editor startup process or you will see errors in your Blueprints as shown below. ...
For example, if you use a Blueprint class that derives from a parent class that can be used at runtime—such as the baseActorclass—you'll see a limited set of functions listed under theEditor Scriptingcategory in your Blueprint Editor. However, if you create an Editor Utility Blueprint,...
Modular meshes are placed within an Actor Blueprint in a data driven way using Data Assets. Editor Utility Widgets are used to manage the data assets. The Editor Utility Widgets are run in the editor during design time.Only Blueprints are used in this course and no C++ knowledge is needed....