原則及其設定如下: com.microsoft.intune.mam.managedbrowser.ChatAllowManagedContent=true (default)/false.版本116.0.1938.64:2023 年 8 月 30 日已修正各種錯誤和效能問題。功能更新Bing Chat 適用於 iOS 和 Android 的 Edge 行動裝置上提供企業(BCE) 。 默認會開啟 Bing Chat Enterprise。 如需如何管理 BCE ...
已更新 HttpAllowlist 原則。 自動HTTPS 現在應該遵守 HttpAllowlist 原則,該原則提供應允許 HTTP 使用的主機名清單。 已解決的問題。 修正了無法按兩下 omnibox 中的翻譯圖示的問題。公告SSE3 需求。 Microsoft Edge 將會停止支援在 Microsoft Edge 128 中缺少 SSE3 的 CPU。 具有這類 CPU 的裝置不會再收...
2023/04/04 5 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 策略设置 创建浏览器配置文件 部署策略 后续步骤 重要 如果你使用的是 Microsoft Edge 版本 77 或更高版本,并且尝试打开设置窗格,请在浏览器地址栏中输入edge://settings/profiles,而不是搜索。 有关详细信息,请参阅了解 Microsoft Edge。
2023/04/04 5 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 策略设置 创建浏览器配置文件 部署策略 后续步骤 重要 如果你使用的是 Microsoft Edge 版本 77 或更高版本,并且尝试打开设置窗格,请在浏览器地址栏中输入edge://settings/profiles,而不是搜索。 有关详细信息,请参阅了解 Microsoft Edge。
you might want to check your browser's settings. You might also need to allow pop-ups for a specific website, and you can enable the option on a per-site basis. If you want to know how to control pop-ups in all the major web browsers — Vivaldi, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Moz...
The built-in browser popups will confirm with you to allow that. Want the iGive Button WITHOUT NewTab? No problem! You can adjust this at anytime by logging into your iGive account, select Settings > Email, Privacy, and iGive Button settings, and turn it off. In that case, we...
The built-in browser popups will confirm with you to allow that. Want the iGive Button WITHOUT NewTab? No problem! You can adjust this at anytime by logging into your iGive account, select Settings > Email, Privacy, and iGive Button settings, and turn ...
Policy updates to allow wildcards. The documentation for the following policies were inaccurate and were corrected. These policies support wildcards (*) in URL patterns when being configured: ImagesAllowedForUrls, ImagesBlockedForUrls, InsecureContentAllowedForUrls, InsecureContentBlockedF...
Microsoft Edge for Business, the new, dedicated work experience for the Microsoft Edge browser, is now available in Microsoft Edge stable version 116. All customers who sign into Edge using Microsoft... RickTurnerMicrosoft Edge Insider Aug 04, 2023 ...