Step 4:Turn off the toggle forBlock. This unblocks and allows pop-ups for all websites. You can also enable pop-ups for specific sites only. Step 1:Turn on the toggle forBlock. We’ll first block pop-ups for all websites and then add specific sites to allow pop-ups. Step 2:Click...
Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific URLs. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. 适用于:Microsoft 帐户仪表板 阻止MicrosoftEdge中的弹出窗口 -Microsoft支持 ...
阻止弹出窗口的 Microsoft Edge功能可有效防止网站自动打开新窗口或选项卡,或阻止当前网页顶部的部分窗口。 默认情况下,此功能处于启用状态。 有许多不同类型的弹出窗口,包括广告、通知、产品/服务或警报,这些弹出窗口会在任意网页的不同时间显示。 某些内容可能会有所帮助,例如银行网站在弹出窗口中显示每月明细时。 弹...
AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload 允許在卸載網頁期間顯示快顯視窗 (過時) AllowSurfGame 允許衝浪遊戲 AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal 允許頁面在頁面關閉期間傳送同步 XHR 要求 (過時) AllowSystemNotifications 允許系統通知 AllowTokenBindingForUrls 設定Microsoft Edge 將嘗試建立令牌系結的網站清單, (過時的) AllowTracking...
PopupsBlockedForUrls 在特定网站上阻止弹出窗口 RegisteredProtocolHandlers 注册协议处理程序 SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls 自动授予站点权限连接所有串行端口 SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls 自动授予站点权限连接到 USB 串行设备 ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled 允许通知将 Microsoft Edge 设置为默认 PDF 阅读器 SpotlightExpe...
注意: 如果已配置 URLAllowlist 或 URLBlocklist,请确保 将about://newtab 添加到 URLAllowlist,以使 EdgeNewTabPageCustomURL 正常工作。受支持的功能:动态策略刷新:是 按配置文件: 是 可以推荐:是数据类型:Android:StringiOS:StringAndroid 和 iOS 限制名称:...
PopupsBlockedForUrls 在特定网站上阻止弹出窗口 RegisteredProtocolHandlers 注册协议处理程序 SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls 自动授予站点权限连接所有串行端口 SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls 自动授予站点权限连接到 USB 串行设备 ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled 允许通知将 Microsoft Edge 设置为默认 PDF 阅读器 SpotlightExpe...
Get to know our key features: 🛑 Block all types of popups, on any website: You can now completely block any type of popup ad no matter what kind of website you’re browsing. Poper will remember what was blocked so that the popup remains blocked and out of sight. 📰 A...
you might want to check your browser's settings. You might also need to allow pop-ups for a specific website, and you can enable the option on a per-site basis. If you want to know how to control pop-ups in all the major web browsers — Vivaldi, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Moz...
How to allow pop-ups on Internet Explorer (IE) If you want to experience all the features of certain websites, here’s how to allow pop-ups on Internet Explorer: Open Internet Explorer and selectInternet Optionsfrom theToolsmenu. In theInternet Optionsdialog box that opens, go to thePrivacy...