Step 4:Turn off the toggle forBlock. This unblocks and allows pop-ups for all websites. You can also enable pop-ups for specific sites only. Step 1:Turn on the toggle forBlock. We’ll first block pop-ups for all websites and then add specific sites to allow pop-ups. Step 2:Click...
Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific URLs. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. 适用于:Microsoft 帐户仪表板 阻止MicrosoftEdge中的弹出窗口 -Microsoft支持 ...
AllowFileSelectionDialogs 允許檔案選取項目對話方塊 AllowGamesMenu 允許使用者存取已淘汰 (遊戲功能表) AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload 允許在卸載網頁期間顯示快顯視窗 (過時) AllowSurfGame 允許衝浪遊戲 AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal 允許頁面在頁面關閉期間傳送同步 XHR 要求 (過時) AllowSystemNotifications 允許系統通知...
AllowFileSelectionDialogs 允許檔案選取項目對話方塊 AllowGamesMenu 允許使用者存取已淘汰 (遊戲功能表) AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload 允許在卸載網頁期間顯示快顯視窗 (過時) AllowSurfGame 允許衝浪遊戲 AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal 允許頁面在頁面關閉期間傳送同步 XHR 要求 (過時) AllowSystemNotifications 允許系統通知...
AllowPopupsDuringPageUnload 允许页面在卸载期间显示弹出窗口(过时) AllowSurfGame 允许冲浪游戏 AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal 允许页面在页面关闭期间发送同步 XHR 请求(已过时) AllowSystemNotifications 允许系统通知 AllowTokenBindingForUrls 配置Microsoft Edge 将尝试使用 (过时) 建立令牌绑定的站点列表 AllowTrackingFor...
[ noopener-allow-popups 跨原始來源-傳送原則] 值可讓文件定義該行為。 選取[剖析器] 區塊。 這項變更可讓 HTML 剖析器除了 、 和之外,在中允許更多標記。 這項變更支援可 自定義的功能,但會先出貨,因為它可以個別完成,並具有一些相容性風險。 WebGPU:裁剪距離。 新增選擇性的 GPU 功能 clip-distances ,...
You can disable the pop-up blocker in Chrome for Android as well. We do not recommend doing this as your browsing experience can take a negative hit. Still, if you want to, follow the below steps. Note that, unlike the desktop version, you cannot allow pop-ups for specific sites. ...
Block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support Learn how to turn on the pop-up blocker feature in Edge and how to allow pop-ups for specific URLs. Find out how to troubleshoot and manage pop-ups, cookies, and extensions in Edge. Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard Manage ...
Select Pop-ups and redirects.Move the Block toggle to On.Click Add for Allow.Enter your domain name for OPERA Cloud. For example, *.oracleindustry.comClick AddMaking OPERA Cloud your home page in Microsoft Edge: The home page appears in the browser when you select the home icon on the...
Sometimes it is necessary to allow pop-ups so that a particular web application or website experience will work as expected. In those cases, you may need to include a particular URL in your pop-up Allow list. In Edge, go toSettings and moreat the top of your browser. ...