Paper 1涉及到的考察主题为: Topic 1b Movement and position (including practical 1.5) (1.3 – 1.10) Topic 2c Energy and voltage in circuits (2.7 – 2.21) Topic 3b Properties of waves (3.2 – 3.9) Topic 4b Energy transfers (4.2 – 4.10) Topic 5b Density and pressure (5.3 – 5.7) Topic...
All lessons from the topics that will be assessed in the physics paper 2 from the Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1).Includes:CP7 Energy- forces doing work CP8 Forces and their effects CP9 Electricity and circuits CP10 Magnetism and the motor effect CP11 Electromagnetic induction CP12 ...
GCSE Physics Specification. HOW TO GET THE BEST FROM THIS BOOK FORCES AND MOTION Movement and position; Forces, movement and shape ELECTRICITY Mains electricity; Energy and potential difference in circuits; Electric charge WAVES Properties of waves; The electromagnetic spectrum; Light and sound ENERGY...
EdexcelAdvancedGCEinPhysics(9540) Forexaminationfromsummer2003 Issue4October2003 LondonQualificationsisoneoftheleadingexaminingandawardingbodiesintheUKand throughouttheworld.Itincorporatesallthequalificationspreviouslyawardedunderthe EdexcelandBTECbrand.Weprovideawiderangeofqualificationsincludinggeneral ...
PhysicsThe Book of ElectricityThis is a comprehensive tutorial on electricity, covering all the major topics that come under GCSE, iGCSE and A-Level specifications in the UK and the Commonwealth - for all major exam boards: AQA, OCR, Edexel, MEI. In other countries, this can be used for ...