Paper 1涉及到的考察主题为: Topic 1b Movement and position (including practical 1.5) (1.3 – 1.10) Topic 2c Energy and voltage in circuits (2.7 – 2.21) Topic 3b Properties of waves (3.2 – 3.9) Topic 4b Energy transfers (4.2 – 4.10) Topic 5b Density and pressure (5.3 – 5.7) Topic...
GCSE Physics Specification. HOW TO GET THE BEST FROM THIS BOOK FORCES AND MOTION Movement and position; Forces, movement and shape ELECTRICITY Mains electricity; Energy and potential difference in circuits; Electric charge WAVES Properties of waves; The electromagnetic spectrum; Light and sound ENERGY...
EdexcelGCE Specification EdexcelAdvancedSubsidiaryGCEinPhysics (8540) Forexaminationfromsummer2003 EdexcelAdvancedGCEinPhysics(9540) Forexaminationfromsummer2003 Issue4October2003 LondonQualificationsisoneoftheleadingexaminingandawardingbodiesintheUKand throughouttheworld.Itincorporatesallthequalificationspreviouslyawardedun...