EdexcelIGCSESpecification Section4:Energyresourcesandenergytransfer d)Energyresourcesandelectricitygeneration understandtheenergytransfersinvolvedingeneratingelectricityusing: •wind •water •geothermalresources •solarheatingsystems •solarcells •fossilfuels ...
待分类 > mains electricity 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 182阅读文档大小:611.5K9页yghh188上传于2015-06-07格式:PDF Electricity – Mains Electricity 热度: EDEXCEL IGCSE PHYSICS 2-1 Mains Electricity 热度: Loss of mains protection 热度: DirectCurrent(dc) ...
Home Physics PhysicsThe Book of ElectricityThis is a comprehensive tutorial on electricity, covering all the major topics that come under GCSE, iGCSE and A-Level specifications in the UK and the Commonwealth - for all major exam boards: AQA, OCR, Edexel, MEI. In other countries, this can ...
Solar cells Electricity produced directly from the Sun’s radiation. Energy changes: light to electrical Unreliable in the UK! – sunshine is needed for solar cells TRIPLE ONLY ADVANTAGES Renewable No greenhouse gases No acid rain No radioactive waste Instant start up time DISADVANTAGES Unreliable in...
EdexcelIGCSESpecification Section4:Energyresourcesandenergytransfer d)Energyresourcesandelectricitygeneration understandtheenergytransfersinvolvedingeneratingelectricityusing: •wind •water •geothermalresources •solarheatingsystems •solarcells •fossilfuels ...