Using eddy geopotential height to measure the western North Pacific subtropical high in a warming climate. He C,Lin A,Gu D,Li C,Zheng B,Wu B,Zhou T. Theoretical and Applied Climatology . 2017He C, Lin A, Gu D, Li C, Zheng B, Wu B, et al. Using eddy geopotential height to ...
The western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) is crucial to the East Asian summer climate, and geopotential height ( H) is widely used to measure the WPNSH. However, a rapidly rising trend of H in the future is projected by the models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phas...
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Simulation of stationary and transient geopotential-height eddies in January and July with a spectral general circulation model Two simulations with perpetual January and July forcing by climatological sea surface temperatures, sea ice, and insolation were extended to 1200 days, of ... RC Malone,EJ ...
The Interdecadal Variation of the Western Pacific Subtropical High as Measured by 500 hPa Eddy Geopotential Height[J]. HUANG Yan-Yan,LI Xiao-Fan.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 2015(06)Huang Y, Li X (2015) The interdecadal variation of the western Pacific subtropical high as measured ...
The Interdecadal Variation of the Western Pacific Subtropical High as Measured by 500 hPa Eddy Geopotential Height[J]. HUANG Yan-Yan,LI Xiao-Fan.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 2015(06)Huang Y, Li X (2015) The interdecadal variation of the western Pacific subtropical high as measured ...
Huang Y, Li X (2015) The interdecadal variation of the western Pacific subtropical high as measured by 500 hPa eddy geopotential height. Atmos Oceanic Sci Lett. : 10.3878/AOSL20150038Huang Y, Li X (2015) The interdecadal variation of the Western Pacific subtropical high as ...
Thirty years of daily data have been used to estimate the annual cycle of the large-scale 500-mbar geopotential height fields. The resulting Fourier coefficients, describing the smooth annual cycle, have been used to study the annual cycle of the planetary-scale northern hemisphere seasonally ...
The efficiency of baroclinic eddy growth depends on the magnitude and orientation of the vertical tilt of the eddy geopotential isolines. The eddy efficiency is maximized if the orientation of the vertical tilt creates an eddy heat flux that aligns with the mean baroclinicity (defined as minus ...
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