The situation is reminiscent of problems the EDD has faced with unemployment claims. In October, state officials said that the EDD wasbilked out of $20 billionfrom applicants filing phony jobless claims. SEE ALSO:Frustrated by EDD? Here's where you can go for help ...
Every time you swipe your EDD debit card, you are giving Bank of America money. Don't allow this predatory corporate bank to capitalize on your misfortune. Here's how to stop letting them profit off of your unemployment benefits.
Benefit Year End (BYE)– Some claimants are reporting a delay or lapse in benefits when they reached theirBYE date(see section below for more). This is because they are late in their filing for a new claim (except for those on PUA who don’t need to file a new claim at BYE) and ...
Eviction filing rates have declined in many large cities in the United States. Existing scholarship on eviction, which focuses on discrete tenant-landlord relationships, has few explanations for this decline. I consider whether com...
Manage the Hard Copy Receipt process, including scanning / filing, following up on missing hard copy receipts, and spot check auditing. Local Card Administration – approve new card applications and process account closures for terminations, process temporary credit limit increases, and monitor overdue...
filing of a petition for the appointment of a guardian or a protective order; or if none, the state in which the respondent was physically present, including any period of temporary absence, for at least six consecutive months ending within the six months prior to the filing of the petition...
In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took ...
第⼆步:开⼀个non-deductibleIRA 这就是为什么可以绕开税法的收⼊限制,开non-deductibleIRA是你⽤税后的钱去开户,当年不可抵税,可是因为是IRA,⾥⾯增值的部分可以延期交税,⼜因为IRA可以随时转到Roth IRA,这样就叫Backdoor Roth。这个与IRA⼀样有限度,2016年的最⾼允许贡献为5,500美元,如果...