疫情期间,加州EDD失业救济金申请指南 image via edd.ca.gov [资讯更新: 4/1/20] COVID-19 疫情来袭,美国迎来空前局面,加州EDD有三大失业救济金可以申请,分别是伤残保险(Disability Insurance),带薪家庭病假 (Paid Family Leave)和失业补助 (Unemployment Insurance)。 可是受灾羣众千千万,经济损失各不同,三项救济...
The CA EDD has confirmed that claimants on the PEUC, PUA,MEUCand FPUC programs will file/certify for benefits for the last time covering the week ending September 4, 2021. Any active claims, with or withoutremaining balances,will expire after this date and no benefits will be paid (inclu...
vaccination schedule, Gardasil alone is associated with 61% of all serious adverse reactions (including 63.8% of all deaths and 81.2% cases of permanent disability) in females younger than 30 years of age [12]. Although a report to a vaccine safety surveillance system does no...