When Gadot was originally cast in the role back in 2013, the director of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder, said in a statement: "Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters...
He swung his iron bar furiously at the young women.(他愤怒地向三个妖怪挥舞着金箍棒。) “Oh no!”cried one woman. “The monkey is a powerful spirit!”cried another.(其中一个妖怪被吓得直叫,另一妖怪叫道:“这个猴子太强...
Rounders, chips and whisky Poker jargon is so dense you wonder if you're listening to Albanian concrete poetry LEAF WITH me a-while through The Small Pleasures of Life, an unexpected best-seller in France last year by a floppy-fringed exquisite called Philippe Delerm, which is now available ...
One of the most interesting is the mausoleum designed by two architects, Yngve Rasmussen and Hans Hedlund, Gteborg, over his grave at Filipstad in the Prov‐ince of Vrmland. Half the cost of the building was defrayed by the state and the remainder came from public funds raised all over...
11、Last Saturday, Tonny went to see Benny.But he didn’t know1Benny lived.2the way, he stopped in front of a yellow house, and asked an old woman the3to Benny’s house. “ His house is not far from my house,” said the woman, “ It’s behind the trees. But you can’t get...
2)sophisticated woman 3)sophisticated columnist 4)sophisticated electronic device 5)sophisticated weapon 选义的难易取决于:词义的繁简和上下文的难易(客观);对词典的运用能力和对语言的运用能力(主观)。 二表达中的选词 die—亡、仙游、作古、老了、客死、驾崩、玩完了、百年之后、马革裹尸、香消玉殒… 死--...
"And just think of what the band would sound like to that poor woman," said Laura. "Oh,Laura!" Jose began to be seriously annoyed,"If you're going to stop a band playing every time some one has an accident,you'll lead a very difficult life,I'm every bit as sorry about it as ...
5. The policewoman asked the little boy ___. A.where did he live B.where he lived C.where he lives D.where does he lives 6. — Show me the map, please. I wonder ___. — Look, it's here, in the east ofChina...
✦Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 刘易斯·卡罗尔《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 ✦Angela Carter, The Company of Wolves 安杰拉·卡特《与狼作伴》 ✦Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales 乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》 ✦Agatha Christie, M...
第一讲:英语诗歌的韵步 第⼀讲:英语诗歌的韵步 备注:教学进程⼀栏可根据教学内容的多少⾃定页数。