关于Wonder Woman Historia中的希波吕忒和戴安娜母女,我觉得很妙的一点是希波吕忒在失意和痛苦中跳入海中,她此时应当是觉得这样沉入海底也没关系,但是把她从海底唤上来的是戴安娜的啼哭声……救了她之后又给了她希望的是这个泥土塑的婴儿这一幕我真是很爱……海水洗去了希波吕忒脸上的阿尔忒弥斯用血写下的烙印,...
Wonder Woman Historia的创作者· ··· 凯莉·苏·德康尼克作者 菲尔·希门尼斯绘者 吉恩·哈绘者 尼古拉·斯科特绘者 作者简介· ··· Kelly Sue DeConnick is best known for surprise hits like Carol Danvers' rebranding as Captain Marvel and the Eisner-nominated mythological western, PRETTY DEADLY...
Wonder Woman Historia对于希波吕忒和戴安娜故事的改写是我最喜欢的部分之一: 希波吕忒原本是一个普通的人类女子,她生活在男人的世界里,一座希腊城邦中,做着接生婆的助手,地位低下,她时常觉得迷茫,但又不...
神奇女侠史:亚马逊族 Wonder Woman Historia The Amazons 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:6元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 期号 共6种期号可选商品评价 (11) 近半年好评率:100% 正品 张**昊 正版 阿*** 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(270) 正品(209) 坚固耐用(66...
当当善本图书旗舰店在线销售正版《神奇女侠的过去:亚马逊 Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons 英文原版漫画 善本图书》。最新《神奇女侠的过去:亚马逊 Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons 英文原版漫画 善本图书》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang
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MW: No wonder Tim never met a deadline! What an insane amount of time he spent on this. I’m sure this is only the tip of the iceberg. Links to more non-Discordian info about Tim Wheeler: Human Events:“Friends Remember Tim Wheeler.”...
Freewind143 noted that her brother had been sterile, this in response to the woman on the thread who was trying to figure out if Lovin was her biological father. Assuming Lovin had already changed his name once before, I began to wonder if this was yet another instance of creating a new...
"There is another wonder: it is the confluence of Linn Liuan; the mouth of that river flows into the Severn, and when both the Severn is flooded to The Teared [the bore], and the sea is flooded similarly into the aforementioned mouth of the river, both it is received into the lake/...
之前错过了那本WONDER WOMAN HISTORIA的实体刊预定,前两天正式发售之后突然有点犹豫要不要订了,美术风格真的很棒,Phil Jimenez主笔的内页,看预览的时候就觉得眼花缭乱的好看,完全不知道先看哪里,哇这么好看买到就是赚到但是真的看了整本内容之后反而冷静了一些,因为从剧本的角度来讲完全没有任何超出预期的内容,甚至...