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In dealing with capital accumulation and economic growth, we are only too apt to begin by assuming a ‘given state of knowledge’ (that is to say, absence of technical progress) and the absence of ‘uncertainty’, and content ourselves with saying that these two factors — technical progress...
内容提示: Capital Accumulation and Economic G rowthOverviewIn this chapter we examine the relationship between increases in the capital stock and economic growth. We firstdiscuss whether an economy can always grow if it increases only its capital stock. Under certain plausible assump-tions, we show...
Roe, T., and Diao, Xinshen, "Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth: The case of the retail food industry in developing countries", Working Pa- per, Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, and Economic Growth Session, Allied Social Science Association Meetings, San Diego, Jan. 3-5, 2004.Terry ...
Capital Accumulation, Economic Restructuring, and Nonequilibrium Regional Growth Dynamics Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in explaining the significance and persistence of regional growth differentials. Much of the debate in contemporary political economy has focussed on the relative importa...
and the latest research. Overview: The Facts to Be Explained; A Framework for Analysis. Factor Accumulation: Physical Capital; Population and Economic Growth; Future Population Trends; Human Capital. Productivity: Measuring Productivity; The Role of Technology in Growth; The Cutting Edge of Technology...
In this article, we analyze extended periods of growth in Africa based on panel estimations from 27 African countries during 1960–96. Our main conclusion is that sustainable growth needs to be based on a balanced mix of capital accumulation, macroeconomic adjustment and structural change. In addit...
Introduction to Economic Growth Introduction to Economic Growth 经济增长概论.pdf,14.452: Introduction to Economic Growth Daron Acemoglu October 2009. This half semester class will present an introduction to macroeconomic modeling, fo- cusing on the theo
The purpose of this chapter is to present Hungarian economic growth and industrial policy in the period between 1950 and 1975, also referred to as the Golden Age of Western European economies. By 1950 the reconstruction and economic recovery following the Second World War was essentially complete....
growth. Chen (2003) integrates tax evasion into an AK model with public capital financed by income tax which can be evaded. In his model, individuals optimize tax evasion, while the government optimizes the tax rate, auditing and fine rate, given the evasion level decided by ...