Kaldor, N. (1961) Capital accumulation and economic growth. In F. Lutz and D. C. Hague, eds. The Theory of Capital: Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association (New York: St Martins Press).KALDOR, N. (1961), Capital accumulation and economic growth, in: ...
Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth - Wiley Home 下载积分: 1999 内容提示: Capital Accumulation and Economic G rowthOverviewIn this chapter we examine the relationship between increases in the capital stock and economic growth. We firstdiscuss whether an economy can always grow if it increases...
Roe, T., and Diao, Xinshen, "Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth: The case of the retail food industry in developing countries", Working Pa- per, Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, and Economic Growth Session, Allied Social Science Association Meetings, San Diego, Jan. 3-5, 2004.Terry ...
(2005), "Population Ageing, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in China: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis," Asian Population Studies, Vol.1 (2):149-168.Peng,X.J.Population Ageing,Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in China:An Applied GeneralEquilibrium Analysis.Asian ...
THE CONCEPT OF CAPITAL ACCUMULATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE CLASSICAL SCHOOL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY The article is devoted to the theoretical review of the main ideas of the classical school of political economy on the content and drivers of economic grow... V Vydobora - 《Scientific Opinion ...
4、文档大部份都是可以预览的,金锄头文库作为内容存储提供商,无法对各卖家所售文档的真实性、完整性、准确性以及专业性等问题提供审核和保证,请慎重购买; 5、文档的总页数、文档格式和文档大小以系统显示为准(内容中显示的页数不一定正确),网站客服只以系统显示的页数、文件格式、文档大小作为仲裁依据; ...
However, if the income loss is sufficiently large, the growth rate is lower when there is life insurance.doi:10.1111/1467-8454.12007Lu, ChenYanagihara, MitsuyoshiwileyAustralian Economic PapersLu, C. and Yanagihara, M. (2013) Life Insurance, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth. ...
population structure dependency ratio capital accumulation economic growth Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: 通过世代交叠模型和内生经济增长理论,将人力资本投资和储蓄内生化,考察社会抚养比对资本积累和经济增长的影响,并利用我国1994~2012年的省级面板数据进行实证检验。结果表明:我国少儿...
Economic growthis an increase in an economy's ability, compared to past periods, to produce goods and services. Economic growth is measured by the change in thegross domestic product (GDP)of a country. GDP is a representation of the total output of goods and services for an economy....
capital accumulation and economic growth 热度: A dynamic model of capital and arms accumulation 热度: Financial Integration Productivity and Capital Accumulation∗ 热度: DynamicEquations: Investmentandcapitalaccumulation Reference: Dixon,P.B.,K.R.Pearson,M.R.PictonandM.T.Rimmer“Rational ...