Where applicable, author(s) name(s), journal title/book title, chapter title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapter and the article number or pagination must be present. Use of DOI is highly encouraged. The reference style used by the journal will be applied to the ...
Chapter Vulnerability of Energy to Climate Climate Vulnerability Reference work2013, Climate Vulnerability D.J. LePoire Explore book 3.06.4 Uncertainty Scope There are different types of uncertainties (Figure 4). Many deal with the unknowns of the future (i.e., the results of research, the poli...
Chapter Google Scholar Download references Funding None. Author information Authors and Affiliations The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Tim Summers & Chen Li Nanyang Technological University, Jurong West, 637616, Singapore Chunzi Miao Corresponding author Correspondence to Tim Summers...
Manufacturing Green Prosperity: The power to rebuild the American middle class, published by Praeger Press, July 2010 "A Green Energy Manufacturing Stimulus Strategy", chapter from the bookGreen Energy Economies: The search for clean and renewable energy, edited by John Byrne and Young-Doo Wang, ...
specialize.1Manufacturing industries in Italy cluster in certain locations and consist mostly of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), much the way production chains are organized in some parts of China, especially in key provinces such as Zhejiang and Guangdong. As this chapter will argue, such ...
1,*, Paola Caro 2, Laura Johnson 1, Miranda E. G. Armstrong 1and Angeliki Papadaki 1 1 Centre for Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, 8 Priory Road, Bristol BS8 1TZ, UK 2
At a conceptual level, the application of generative AI may follow the same pattern in the modern workplace, although as we show later in this chapter, the types of activities that generative AI could affect, and the types of occupations with activities that could change, will lik...
剑桥联盟经济Cambridge International AS and A Level Economics_1 basic economic ideas and resource allocatio.pdf,Chapter 1: Basic economic ideas and resource allocation 12 AS Level Learning objectives On completion of this chapter you should know: ■ what
Economic, industry and corporate trends A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Cisco Systems Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends Contents Preface 2 Executive summary 3 Chapter 1: The world economy 6 Chapter 2: Industries 22 Automotive 24 Consumer goods and ...
Also focused on the US is a book by Budd (2018) on changes in academic libraries which includes a chapter on the state of higher education in that country, defining the different categories of colleges and universities in addition to providing an overview of commentator critiques of the system...