Ambiguity is where PDFs cannot be given and also is related to uncertainty about a PDF. They also liken ambiguity to ‘un-nature’ and the inadequacies of knowledge. Dequech (2011) Weak Uncertainty Strong Uncertainty Measurability: Weak uncertainty has complete and reliable probability distribution...
An important feature of world-class bay areas is the leading role of technological innovation and a large number of technology companies. Due to its well-developed industrial base and an innovative environment, the Greater Bay Area has attracted a large number of technology companies such as ...
Duckworth JW, Batters G, Belant JL, Bennett EL, Brunner J, Burton J, Challender DWS, Cowling V, Duplaix N, Harris JD, Hedges S, Long B, Mahood SP, McGowan PJK, McShea WJ, Oliver WLR, Perkin S, Rawson BM, Shepherd CR, Stuart SN, Talukdar BK, van Dijk PP, Vié J-C, Walston...
We used R package poLCA (v1.6.0) to imple- ment the LCA procedure, and set the maximum times of iterations to 10,000, and the tolerance value for judging convergence to 1 × 10–6 [34]. To select a reasonable latent class number, we fitted the different LCA model with 2–...
Dissertation chapters [All PDF] What is a Great Power?(Ch 1) Theories of Rise and Fall(Ch 2) A critique of neoclassical growth theory(Ch 3) A theory of systems(Ch 4) A theory of political systems(Ch 5) A theory of economic systems: Categories and stages of production(Ch 6) ...
2015;373(1):11–22. PubMed Google Scholar Davidson MH, Hauptman J, DiGirolamo M, Foreyt JP, Halsted CH, Heber D, et al. Weight control and risk factor reduction in obese subjects treated for 2 years with orlistat. JAMA. 1999;281(3):235. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Sheng B, ...
Available at: Accessed 6 June 2023. Patz JA, Campbell-Lendrum D, Holloway T, Foley JA. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature. 2005;438(7066):310–7. https://...
2 CERN, 4 For 2004, the dollar value of high-technology imports was $560 billion; the value of high- technology exports was $511 billion. See Appendix Table 6-01 of National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators 2004. ®"No ...
1. 2.1. Feedstock availability NREL's Biofuels Atlas was used to get county-by-county data for woody waste feedstock availability per year [12]. This class of materials includes forest residues, primary and secondary mill residues, and urban wood. Forest residues include “logging residues and ...
Parental occupation was classified into five categories: 1. supervisor/manager or freelance with 10 employees or more, 2. supervisor/manager or freelance with less than 10 employees, 3. freelance with no staff, 4. non-qualified staff and unskilled worker, and 5. household chores, unemployed and...