“All Econ Fields" Top 5 journals: American Economic Review; Journal of Political Economy; Econometrica; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Review of Economic Studies. 这五本应当是没有任何争议的最好的经济领域期刊,五本基本不分先后,包含各种子领域 (fin, macro, micro, labor...). 也是我会主要选择看...
实际上现在你要是读美国的phd in econ,一般都和申请商科一样要做pre。
就了解的现在的top candidate来看,申请econ phd已经是卡拉赞毕业了才能打卡拉赞的程度了 ...
2. Literature Review,就不细说了(因为这一部分我直接复制粘贴了我的本科毕业论文呜呜呜好敷衍啊),最后尽量附上一个比较前言的理论/模型研究,因为在我们这个领域虽然大家都做实验,但是如果只有实验没有模型的话发不了top journal!! 3. Research Techniques,更敷衍了只有一句话:The major part of my research will...
According to the latest Journal Citation Report (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics on June 20, 2024, the 2023 impact factor of China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER,ISSN: 1756-137X) achieves 4.4, the impact fa...
TOP期刊,IF11+,国人较为友好 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS专注于处理工程和管理之间的主题,该杂志的最终目标是传播知识以改善工业实践,并加强支持合理决策所需的理论基础。它为交流思想和介绍理论与应用的新发展提供了一个论坛,无论工程和技术在哪里遇到工业运作的管理和经济环境。该杂志的特点是将传统...
https://www.nbcboston.com/boston-business-journal/boston-beer-to-launch-first-cannabis-beverage-in-canada/2728444/ The Boston Beer Company is launching a new line of cannabis-infused iced teas that will become available in select Canadian provinces beginning in July while the company awaits further...
《Journal Of Agricultural Economics》是一本专注于AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & POLICY领域的English学术期刊,由Wiley-Blackwell出版商出版,出版周期Tri-annual。该刊发文范围涵盖AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & POLICY等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & POLICY工作者在该领域的科学研究等工作中取得的经验...
Because one dictionary is “ considered to be more definitive and superior” doesn’t mean the other is wrong (corollary – based on your flawed logic, you should make sure to never cite ANY research that isn’t in a top journal). But here’s the thing, it isn’t that you aren’t ...
二十九与三十一: 一、国外期刊 1.经济领域(Top Journals in Economics) American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studie…阅读全文 赞同202 7 条评论 分享收藏 现代经济学系统训练是什么? 慧航 2015 年度新知答主 慧航...