“All Econ Fields" Top 5 journals: American Economic Review; Journal of Political Economy; Econometrica; Quarterly Journal of Economics; Review of Economic Studies. 这五本应当是没有任何争议的最好的经济领域期刊,五本基本不分先后,包含各种子领域 (fin, macro, micro, labor...). 也是我会主要选择看...
二十九与三十一: 一、国外期刊 1.经济领域(Top Journals in Economics) American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studie…阅读全文 赞同202 7 条评论 分享收藏 现代经济学系统训练是什么? 慧航 2015 年度新知答主 慧航...
Accordingly, CAER is ranked 3rd (top 7%, up from the top 21% the previous year) among 39 agricultural economics and policy journals indexed by SCIE, placing it in the Q1 category. Furthermore, it holds the 66th...
Journals Receptive to a Tuition Assistance Paper May 10, 2020 • John Vandivier Kitchen Sink Regression and Horse Racing May 4, 2020 • John Vandivier A Dissertation Update April 27, 2020 • John Vandivier On Diversity April 25, 2020 • John Vandivier Survey OAC April 25, 2020 • Joh...
Still, most users at research libraries are likely to have a subscription to the digital archives of economics journals. Since IDEAS' links are to the article level, access is very efficient. The records are displayed in a well-structured, easy-to-scan manner, with jumps to the different ...
Given that it has come up and is getting mocked by the Usual Suspect, I note that still only in its seventh year, it is now in the top 12.5% of economics journals in terms of recursive discounted impact factor according to RePec. The long established, leading field journal that Menzie co...
Institutional Ties and Publications in Top Accounting Journals 机构关联与会计学顶刊发表之关系by Robert Lowell WhitedNorth Carolina State University摘要中文粗译:对于科学知识的认证和传播,学术期刊是最重要的制度。因此,期刊的架构应使之在没有利益冲突的情况下,更好地履行推进本领 ...展开全文c...
https://www.aeaweb.org/journals/search-results?ArticleSearch%5Bwithin%5D%5Barticletitle%5D=1&ArticleSearch%5Bwithin%5D%5Barticleabstract%5D=1&ArticleSearch%5Bwithin%5D%5Bauthorlast%5D=1&JelClass%5Bvalue%5D=0&journal=&from=a&ArticleSearch%5Bq%5D=nakamura ...
“Mounting Lab Accidents Raise SARS Fears” reports that an outbreak of SARS came out of a Chinese lab by accident. So in fact this is not sci fi and has happened and has been documented in one of the two most prestigious scientific journals in the world, although a certain commentator...
Are you talking about predictions made in climate studies published in scientific journals? Who has made what predictions that haven’t come true? Please could you bring some actual sources for alleged specific examples? “To think something as complex as climate and even global temps are controlle...