It is widely held that the bilaterian tubular gut with mouth and anus evolved from a simple gut with one major gastric opening. However, there is no consensus on how this happened. Did the single gastric opening evolve into a mouth, with the anus forming
Scott, D. Notes on the eastern hogsnose snake, Heterodon platyrhinos Latreille (Squamata, Colubridae), on a Virginia barrier island. Brimleyana 12, 51–55 (1986). Google Scholar Selcer, K. W. & Judd, F. W. Variation in the reproductive ecology of Holbrookia propinqua (Sauria, Iguanidae...
Full size imageFig. 2 Ranavirus die-offs can include larval (a, credit = Matthew Niemiller) and adult (b, credit = Ana Balseiro) age classes in amphibians. Outbreaks can occur rapidly progressing from no apparent death (c, credit = Nathaniel Wheelwright) to complete mortality (...
Full size image In this review, we discuss current species concepts, the ecology and distribution of basal lineages of fungi, and propose novel insights into their phylogeny. Phylogeny and evolution of early-diverging fungi Traditional taxonomy splits the fungi into two derived lineages, the Ascomyco...
Full size image Figure 2 Structural modeling of OBP of B. dorsalis. A - sequence alignment between isolated OBP (BDOBP) and OBP of B. dorsalis in GenBank. Identical residues are highlighted with star below the letters. B - cartoon representation of OBP that was modelled using Phyre 2 prote...
P. D., 1975: Notes on the syste- matics and ecology of Da-phnia pulex Leydig in Northern Canada. Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobz"ol., 60: 691-703.Meijering, M.P.D., l975. Notes on the systematic and ecology of Daphnia pulex Leydig in Northern Canada. Inst.Rev.ges.Hydrobiol. 6O:69l...
Conservation notes are short articles (maximum of 2,000 words) that focus on an emerging conservation issue. Conservation Notes can be based on qualitative data and field notes. The writing should be of high quality, concise, and clear to appeal to both a scientific readership as well as mana...
Full size image Testing for differences in community composition at the quadrat scale, we found a significant difference between palm and non-palm quadrats (adonis, df = 1, SS = 3.40, MSS = 3.40, F = 7.46, R2 = 0.001, P < 0.001), indicating that the assemblages of species in the ne...
Full text References Reprints & permissions Details Accepted author version posted online: 03 Jan 2013 Published online: 15 Apr 2013 Author affiliations a Florida Atlantic University Author notes Julia Mason - Julia Mason is an assistant professor of English at Florida Atlantic University. Her...
Papers should be no longer than 3,500 words (excluding references or reference notes) and should be accessible to a wide readership, from students to practitioners, policymakers and researchers. Besides standard sections, each article of this type should contain the following special sections: Abstr...