Population densities, activity, microhabitats, and thermal biology of a unique crevice- and litter-dwelling assemblage of reptiles on Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Herpetol. Conserv. Biol. 6, 40–50 (2011). Google Scholar ...
Ecology All Materials © Cmassengale Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms (biotic part) and their nonliving environment (abiotic factors) Biotic factors includes plants, animals, fungi, & microorganisms. They may be producers, consum
CORDEROJENKINS-LE-JIRON-LF-LEZAMA-HJ-TROP PEST MANAGECordero-Jénkins, L. E., L. F. Jirón-Porras, and H. J. Lezama-Ulate. Notes on the biology and ecology of Ptecticus testaceus (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) a soldier fly associated with mango fruit ( M. indica ) in Costa Rica. Trop...
April 18, 2014 in Conservation Biology, Ecology. PostDoc position for a forest modeller with stats knowledge in our lab We are looking for candidates to fill a 3-yr postdoc position in our lab. The plan is to use Bayesian statistics to connect a process-based forest model to data, and...
Author notes Thibaut Brunet Present address: Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA These authors contributed equally: Claus Nielsen, Thibaut Brunet, Detlev Arendt. Authors and Affiliations Biosystematics, The Natural...
Print Guide as PDFCompare journals About the journal Aims and scope The Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology provides a forum for experimental ecological research on marine organisms in relation to their natural environment. The main emphasis of the journal lies in hypothesis driven ex...
The third and final section of the book is a guide to 21 different hikes and field trips in and around the Wasatch Front. Each field trip features a hand-drawn map and some basic notes about the hike. Details about what can be seen along the way are included in the descriptions, which...
Biology of the Obligate Pollination Mutualism Chapter © 2017 References Abrahamczyk S, Kessler M, Hanley D, Karger DN, Müller MPJ, Knauer AC, Keller F, Schwerdtfeger M, Humphreys AM (2017) Pollinator adaptation and the evolution of floral nectar sugar composition. J Evol Biol 30:112–127...
explain the latest theoretical ideas using examples from micro-organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates. There are boxed sections for some topics and marginal notes help guide the reader. The book is essential reading for students of behavioural ecology, animal behaviour and evolutionary biology. Key ...
In most previous studies, the classification of Zygomycota has been performed according to morphological characteristics; however, the advent of molecular biology, which was a major milestone in science and the taxonomic characterization of this phylum, has permitted the regrouping of zygomycotan taxa...