2011. The ecological impor- tance of wetlands for aerial insectivores (swifts, martins and swallows) along the Tyrrhenian coast. Rend Fis Acc Lincei. 22:395A402.Arena S, Battisti C, Carpaneto G M. The ecological importance of wetlands for aerial insectivores (swifts, martins and ...
TerritorialRepartitionandEcologicalImportanceof WetlandsinMoldova(Romania) G.Romanescu,C.StoleriuandC.Zaharia DepartmentofGeography,Facul~ofGeographyandGeology,Universityoflasi,lasi700505,Romania Received:February18,2011/Accepted:May20,2011/Published:November202011 ...
Department of;Geography,;Faculty of;Geography and;Geology,;University of;lasL lasi;700505,;RomaniaVIP环境科学与工程:ARomanescu G., Stoleriu C. & Zaharia C., 2011. Territorial Repartition and Ecological Importance of Wetlands in Moldova (Romania). Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering,...
However, wetlands have been severely impacted by human activities, such as urbanization, agriculture, and industrialization. As a result, wetland ecosystems have been degraded, and their ecological services have been compromised. This essay will discuss the importance of wetland ecosystems, the ...
This study investigates the shrinkage, carbon sequestration potential and biodiversity richness of wetlands of Fogera plain, North West Ethiopia. Landsat MSS of 1986, Landsat TM of 1994 and Landsat ETM+ 2011 were used to study the change in areas of wetlands over time. Supervised image classificati...
Shallow billabongs supported a greater diversity and abundance of plants, and greater numbers and diversity of germinable seeds in the seed bank. Germination of seeds was greater in waterlogged soils than submerged soils. Thus, the main controls of plant abundance in wetlands appear to be ...
Peatland ecosystems are wetlands consisting of partially decomposed plant remnants and organic matter that accumulate over millennia to form carbon-rich soils, called peat, that can reach several meters in thickness. These ecosystems are waterlogged, meaning that their soils are permanently wet; this fe...
, the Chinese government invested 16.9 billion yuan for more than 3,400 wetland preservation projects, adding or restoring more than 800,000 hectares of wetlands, designating 64 wetlands of international importance, and wetland protection and restoration have entered a new stage....
This has in turn led to an upsurge of interest in wetlands research. Nevertheless, in a time of limited economic resources, the conservation community is increasingly asked to focus upon priorities and to channel funding towards these alone. This has led to more careful analyses of the pressures...
Although the importance of ecosystem services associated with estuarine wetlands and their functional linkages to other estuarine habitats have been increasingly recognized in the past 60 years, the approach to "restoration" and "rehabilitation" of degraded wetland habitats has largely lacked the applicatio...