Strategies for ecosystem management of the secondary wetlands in the Dongting Lake Region are proposed,based on analysis of the functional change of wetlands,characters ofwetland functions and t. 以调控湿地生态功能为途径,在分析双退垸次生湿地功能动态变化、现阶段功能特点及管理现状基础上,提出了洞庭湖区...
Ecological functions of wetlands. In: LePage, B.A. (Ed.), Wetlands-Integrating Multidisplinary Concepts. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 115-128.Nyman, J.A. 2011. Ecological functions of wetlands. In Wetlands. Edited by B.A. LePage. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. pp. 115–128....
”cradleoflife“.Wetland.forestandoceanare knownasthreeecologicalsystemsonearth.Theimportantec. ologicalfunctionsofthosesystemsarewaterconservation,wa. terpurification,preventionofflood,climatemodificationand protectionofecologicaldiversity .Theresourcesinwetland ...
The wetlands in the Liaohe Delta play an important role in water regulation, nutrient and pollutant removal, bioproduction, bioconservation, and many other aspects. Intensive human activities will largely affect the ecological functions of the wetlands. 展开 ...
Wetland and Zhalong Wetland,located in Liaoning Province.The ecological functions and the extent of the degradation of the reed wetlands were discussed.Countermeasures were suggested to promote the restoration of ecological functions of the reed wetlang,and to curb the degradation of the wetlands.关键...
This indicated that the river's drying up is particularly severe in Asia; (2) Shrinkage of wetlands and lakes. It is mainly caused by climate warming, increased human activities, and a reduction in rainfall. Most especially, the blind land reclamation around lakes has destroyed the water ...
Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on earth and functioned as the “kidneys” of the earth, which play an important role in maintaining ecological service functions. However, with the rapid growth in human populations, wetlands worldwide are suffering from serious degradation or loss ...
MAPPING WETLANDS AND RIPARIAN AREAS USING LANDSAT ETM+ IMAGERY AND DECISION-TREE-BASED MODELS The location and distribution of wetlands and riparian zones influence the ecological functions present on a landscape. Accurate and easily reproducible la... C Baker,R Lawrence,C Montagne,... - 《Wetland...
However, the natural wetlands in China suffered great loss and degradation due to the rapid growth of human population and economy, together with the long-term over-exploitation. Therefore, improving and restoring wetlands' various functions, such as slowing the runoff, flood control and drought ...
We risk upsetting theecologicalbalance of the area. 我们有可能破坏这个地区的生态平衡。 牛津词典 Ecologicalgroups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem. 环境保护组织称目前并未采取任何行动处理这个问题。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...ecologicaldisasters, such as the destruction of rainforest. ...