1. 快捷键操作 选择项目目录/文件 按 Alt+Shift +W会弹出菜单,点击 System Explorer 就可以打开文件所在的本地目录了。 2. 按钮操作 Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations 新建一个Pogram,在“Program”上右击,New Configuration N... ...
They give you a hint about the shortcut key. Hit ALT and the underlined letter to press the button, check the checkbox or get focus for a textfield. Did you notice the underscores? I think that using shortcut keys is the fastest way to productivity and if not, then at least your wri...
我主要用到的就是三个快捷键:代码批量加注释(//)、代码批量解除注释、代码自动对齐,实际上我也就只修改了这三个快捷键:快捷键设置在Tools->Option->Key Bindings里面,Menu选项卡选择Edit,这里是代码编辑主要用到的快捷键,如下图所示: 点击你想要修改的快捷键项,然后在Press shortcut key里面修改,最后点击Set设置...
Hi there I have looked for this but cant find a solution anywhere, so any help would be appreciated. I am using : IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.3 ...
Navigate to eclipse.exe in the Windows Explorer and using a right button drag, create a shortcut to eclipse.exe. Edit the properties of the shortcut such that theStart in:field identifies the parent directory of your workspace location (for example, c:\users\robert). ...
Open menu for switch view keybindings Shift+Alt+Q+P Show package explorer Shift+Alt+Q+C Show console 4. Start Java programs Table 4. Running programs ShortcutDescription Ctrl+F11 Run last launched F11 Run last launched in debug mode Ctrl+Alt+B Skip all breakpoints. Let’s you use debug...
Close the properties dialog and double-click on the shortcut (if the provided directory was c:\users\robert, the workspace location would be c:\users\robert\workspace). Of course you can get the same effect using a command prompt by changing directory to your workspace parent's directory and...
Ctrl + 1: If there is just one more shortcut you remember from this post, let it be this one. The other super awesome, context sensitive shortcut in Eclipse, which is basicallyQuick Fix. If you have anerror in a line, Ctrl + 1 will show you potentialoptions to fix it, like import...
#eclipse short cut key to add line numbers in the code editor Using shortcut keys in eclipse, We can enable/disable line numbers. To display the line numbers. Click theCtrlandF10keys, - it opens a popup context window Select the keyboardNkey - It selectsShow Line Numbersoptions and displ...
6.快捷方式工具列(Shortcut Toolbar) 7.Outline视图 8.Tasks视图和Console视图 2.8.1菜单 「File」菜单 这个菜单可以建立、储存、关闭、打印、汇入及汇出工作台资源以及结束工作台本身。 名称 功能 New(新建) 建立Java元素或新资源。配置哪些元素会显示在「Window」→「Preferences」的子菜单中。在Java视景中,依...