Main menu -> code -> Completion -> SmartType -> 设置为“Alt+Shift+/” 不过“Alt+/”默认又被 Main menu -> code -> Completion -> Basic -> Cyclic Expand Word 占用,先把它删除再说吧(单击右键删除)! (2).关闭当前文档,默认是【Ctrl+F4】,现改为跟Eclipse一样,即【Ctrl+W】 Main menu ->...
You can now add infinite resources for the AI players by selecting their units and doing the shortcut OR by taking over AI players and then running these commands Cleaned unit spawn lists and added some missing units (US Forces and OKW) 分享245 巫师吧 mk252 win7 改注册表后依然无法进入...
At the time of this writing your also need to download and install extra drivers for MS windows. After the download you find the driver in your Android installation directory in theextrasfolder. You need to install the drivers by running starting the .exe file. Android also provides resources....