解决A program file was not specified in the launch configuration.问题 1、右键点击项目并打开Properties选项 2、在Run/Debug Settings中选中自己编译出来的项目,并点击Edit... 3、我的项目是因为C/C++ Application地址写错了,才会出现program does not exist的错误,改成Debug/项目名就可以了 而原博文中介绍的方法...
解决VSCode出现“launch: program ... does not exist”的问题 一、问题描述 C++源文件进行调试(按下F5)出现第一个弹窗,点击“仍要调试”出现第二个弹窗。 二、问题解决 1.找到cpp配置文件中的tasks.json和launch.json 2.使两者的label内容相同,如都为“Compile”。 3.更改task.json的args中的参数:“${file...
1[INFO] Scanningforprojects...2[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encounteredwhileprocessing the POMs:3[ERROR] Child module D:\program\eclipse\eclipse\workspace_taotao\taotao-parent\taotao-manager-service of D:\program\eclipse\eclipse\workspace_taotao\taotao-parent\pom.xml does not exist @4@5[E...
Goclipse debug /run不能执行Go test报错:Program file does not exist 解决办法: 修改debug conifgration a.build arguments: test -x -c -v -gcflags "-N -l" xxx.com/xxx/xxx b.path of launtch: ${workspace}/bin/xxxx_xxx.test c.build-type: build-tests 3.run gdb --version :unknow reason...
在Eclipse下启动tomcat的时候,报错为:Eclipse下启动tomcat报错:The archive: C:/Program Files(x86)/Java/jdk1.7.0_10/lib/tools.jar which is referenced by the classpath, doesnot exist. 2.原因: 这是因为我中途移动过tomcat的位置的缘故,而Eclipse中对于tomcat配置却没有改变。
1[INFO]Scanningforprojects...2[ERROR][ERROR]Some problems were encounteredwhileprocessing the POMs:3[ERROR]Child moduleD:\program\eclipse\eclipse\workspace_taotao\taotao-parent\taotao-manager-serviceofD:\program\eclipse\eclipse\workspace_taotao\taotao-parent\pom.xml does not exist @4@5[ERROR]The bu...
java.sql.SQLException: The user specified as a definer ('userxxx'@'%') does not exist 2019-12-24 14:46 −java.sql.SQLException: The user specified as a definer ('userxxx'@'%') does not exist Java接口在执行查询的时候报错如下: java.sql.SQLException: The user specif... ...
If any of these files does not exist, compile the Java part of the project before the C++ part. Theory: How to build Android application having C++ native part (from command line) Here is the standard way to compile C++ part of an Android application: Open console and go to the root ...
四、问题说明 4.1 tomcatPlugin版本 tomcatPluginV32.0版本有问题,需要更新到tomcatPluginV32.1或者tomcatPluginV33,否则启动Tomcat...时,会出现错误提示: 警告: Bootstrap: command "D:\Program files\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\conf\server.xml" does not...exist. 4.2 Tomcat工具栏三只猫找不到问题 tomcatPlu...
If the correct debugging configuration was launched (sometimes eclipse likes to grab the default one, even if it said it was going to launch the Jlink one) you should get a license agreement to appear. Click accept to upload the program. If it does not appear,...