eclipse "A .project file already exists in directory C:\Users\Administrator\git\Nymph" 问题:从git执行import projects时报"A .project file already exists in directory C:\Users\Administrator\git\Nymph"的错误。 enter image description here 解决:找到此项目的目录,下面有.project这个文件。先剪切备份到别...
I have already created this project, but I wanted to start over. deleted theHelloAndroidfolder from myworkspacefolder restarted Eclipse now I can't create a project with the same name, becauseFinishis greyed out, and it gives me the following message:A project with that name already exists in...
新建了两个maven项目在E盘workspace目录,后面移到workspace/app_engine目录下提交svn,再通过Eclipse的File->import导入时报错了: Project xxx already exists Add a version or custom suffix using "Name template" in "Advanced" settings 问题描述说项目已经存在,如果要再次导入项目需要加一个版本号作为后缀。但是我...
eclipse新建java project新建的时候,他提示我说a project this name already exists。然后我在电脑里把之前的那个文件删了,再新建的时候还是这样提示,怎么破?qq_丶木灵_04243657 浏览1134回答4 4回答 qq_touchmybody_03706031 要将项目从workspace里删除 1 0 0 rookie2maven File ---》switchWorkspace 0 0 0 ...
, the maven plug-in starts the interactive mode. if the directory already exists, the generation fails. project-version 1.0-snapshot the version of your project. verticle_class io.vertx.example.mainverticle the new verticle class file created...
Eclipse --Type / already exists but is not a source folde解决方案 两种解决方案: Two actions, first: 1.Right click on the project and go to "Properties" 2.Select "Java Build Path" on the left 3.Open "Source" tab 4.Click "Add Folder..." and check "gen" and "src...
This resource already exists in the workspace. The parent of this resource does not exist. The parent of this resource is a virtual folder. The project of this resource is not accessible. The parent contains a resource of a different type at the same path as this resource...
In the Project name field, type a name for the project.Ensure that the Use default location option is not selected because here we will specify where the resources reside in the file system, in a location other than your workspace.We assume this directory location already exists, ...
Eclipse 是目前主流的 Java IDE(Integrated Development Environment,集成开发环境) 下载 安装 直接解压到非中文目录下即可 根据实际情况,修改工作目录 左下角可以勾选 点击右上角“Workbench” 创建Java项目:File——>New——>Project——>Java Project ...