Robust ECL Chemiluminescence Detection Kit Catalog#AIWB-006 SwissAinibodyLifeScienceAG品质成就科学梦想 01 产品概述 超敏ECL化学发光检测试剂盒(皮克级)是一款具有高灵敏度的化学发光底物,与二抗 上偶联的辣根过氧化物酶 (horseradish peroxidase,HRP) 发生化学反应,发出萤光,可对X光胶片曝光,也可直接进行luminometer...
ECL化学发光检测试剂盒价格:价格电议产品详情:名称:ECL化学发光检测试剂盒编号:HR0338产地:国产|进口英文名:ECLchemiluminescencedetectionkit规格:100ml|200ml品牌:百... 货号:HR0338 品牌:百奥莱博 产地:北京 ECL化学发光法检测试剂盒(兔IgG)价格:¥870/盒产品详情:本试剂盒主要用于westernblotting的化学发光显色,...
英文名:ECL chemiluminescence detection kit规格:100ml|200ml品牌:百奥莱博储存条件:2-8℃避光保存。长期存放-20℃避光。有效期:一年产品简介:免疫印迹最重要也是*一步就是酶与底物反应进行检测,本试剂盒以化学荧光发光方法检测蛋白质或核酸类生物大分子。其原理是,蛋白质或核酸在电泳后转移到印迹膜上,以一抗及...
chemiluminescence detection kit (Applygen Technologies Inc., Beijing, 使用方法: China), The protein bands were visualized after exposure of the 1. 常规电泳,转膜,HRP 标记抗体或核酸探针孵育,洗膜.注意 membranes to Kodak X-ray film. 用 HRP 标记 lgG 或用一抗-链亲和素-生物素-HRP 夹法.核酸杂 ...
CAS号: 英文名: Western blot Western blot ECL chemiluminescence detection kit (including antibody) 英文别名: 中文名: 蛋白质西方杂交免疫印迹ECL化学发光检测试剂盒(含抗体) 中文别名: 蛋白质西方杂交免疫印迹ECL化学发光检测试剂盒(含抗体) CBNumber: CB95784119 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol...
Novex ECL is a Chemiluminescent substrate used for chemiluminescence-based immunodetection of horse radish peroxidase (HRP) on western or dot blot membranes. It is a two-part reagent cosistant of Reagent A (luminol) and Reagent B (an enhancer)
CAS号: 英文名: Enhanced ECL Chemiluminescence Detection Kit 英文别名: 中文名: 增强型ECL化学发光检测试剂盒 中文别名: 增强型ECL化学发光检测试剂盒 CBNumber: CB95811848 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商4 增强型ECL化学发光检测试剂盒化学性质 ...
The protein bands were visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence detection reagents (Applygen Technologies Inc., Beijing, China); The blots were washed and then developed by use of a SuperEnhanced chemiluminescence detection kit (Applygen Technologies Inc., Beijing, China), The protein bands were ...
Proteintech 研发的灵敏ECL化学发光检测试剂盒是免疫印迹实验中与辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)配套使用的底物检测试剂盒。本产品能够在HRP 的催化下发生化学反应而发光,可用于检测固定在膜上的蛋白质等生物大分子,由于使用了两种新的增强剂混合协同增强发光,其高灵敏度能够检测 pg 级别的抗原,发光信号强烈持久, 使用照相技术(...
MCE Ultra High Sensitivity ECL Kit enables detection at femtogram range of antigen by oxidizing luminol in the presence of HRP and peroxide. This reaction produces a prolonged chemiluminescence which can be visualized on X-ray film or digital imaging systems. MCE Ultra High Sensitivity ECL Kit pro...