("optimizer not implement") if args.lr_scheduler == 'step': steps = [int(step) for step in args.steps.split(',')] self.lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(self.optimizer, steps, gamma=args.gamma) elif args.lr_scheduler == 'exp': self.lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler....
Video Lessons – Step By Step. Lesson videos build a foundation of knowledge from the bottom up, and important concepts are repeated to make sure you get it! We will show you how to diagnose basic and complex arrhythmias you may find on a rhythm strip. If your goal is to read 12-lead...
Then it takes 12-lead interpretation one step further by providing strategies to determine the likelihood of the presence of STEMI versus other causes of ST elevation. Written by two well-known educators, Tim Phalen, a paramedic, and Barbara J. Aehlert, a nurse, this guide includes the lates...
With a step-by-step method for accurate interpretation of the ECG, this third edition of Rapid ECG Interpretation describes a systematic approach consisten... MGKFF Facc - Human Press, 被引量: 79发表: 2008年 Evaluation of a web-based ECG-interpretation programme for undergraduate medical student...
With a printed out ECG in front of you, simply walk through the step-by-step sections and see the analysis at the end. Look at the relevant section on your ECG, choose from the selection on the app and click 'next', until you've analysed every section. Choose from a full in-depth...
For algorithm performance, in ANSI/AAMI EC38,it is required that the detected QRS shall in the 150ms range of the signed point from annotation by human exper. 目前僅用MIT-BIH等標準心律不整資料庫或是生理訊號挑戰賽提供的標註資料,理論上很難得到超越其標注的學習模型,實務上還是需要配合其他臨床實...
In the MultiHMM method, each segment of an ECG beat is represented by a separate ergodic continuous density HMM. Each HMM has different state number and is trained separately. In the test step, the log-likelihood of two consecutive HMMs is compared and a path is estimated, which shows the...
In this way, the results reported by these works disregard the impact of segmentation step even though the database labeling is prone to human errors. Therefore, evaluating the impact of different segmentation algorithms on automatic arrhythmia classification methods can be a promising research ...
Using an easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach, "The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes" describes how to accurately interpret 12-lead ECGs for effective recognition and treatment of patients experiencing ACS. This 3rd edition s... Mosby 被引量: 0发表: 0年 ...
Ontheotherhand,thetimingandsequenceofdepolarizationandrepolarizationoftheheartcanbedetected,recordedandmeasuredbyelectrodesplacedonthebodysurface.4 DefinitionofECG(ECG的定义)Theelectrocardiogram(ECG)representstheelectricalactivity,usuallyrecordedfromthesurfaceofthebody,correspondingtotheunderlyingelectricalactivityoccurringin...