ECG from Basics to Essentials: Step by StepThis brand new guide assists students, interns and residents in developing a functional understanding of the set-up, workings and interpretation of ECGsRoland X. StroobandtS. Serge BaroldAlfons F. Sinnaeve...
Having covered these basics, the remainder of the book provides clinical examples of a broad range of ‘real-life’ ECG traces, each accompanied by a description and explanation on the facing page.Book Series: Pocket Tutor ADD TO FAVOURITES ...
Focal activation– in which AF originates from an area of focal activity. This activity may be triggered due to increased automaticity or from micro re-entry. Often located in the pulmonary veins. Multiple wavelet mechanism– in which multiple small wandering wavelets are formed. The fibrillation ...
doi:10.1111/pace.12869TARADivisionL.DivisionJONESDivisionM.D.DivisionZACHARYDivisionD.DivisionGOLDBERGERDivisionM.D.DivisionF.A.C.C.DivisionF.H.R.SDivisionWileyPacing & Clinical Electrophysiology
ECG from Basics to Essentials: Step by StepISBN 9781119066415doi:10.1002/9781119066446Roland X Stroobandt