left-axis deviation 电轴左偏 right superior axis电轴极度右偏 indeterminate axis 不确定电轴 electrical alternans 电交替 low voltage 低电压 low voltage in limb leads 肢体导联低电压 low voltage in precordial leads 胸导联低电压 abnormal precordial...
The cardiac axis can be approximated by evaluating the combinations of the QRS complex polarities in leads I and aVF. [14] Positive in both leads I and aVF: normal axis (0° to 90°) Positive in lead I and negative in aVF: left axis deviation (-90° to -30°) or normal axis (...
both I and aVF +ve = normal axis both I and aVF -ve = axis in the Northwest Territory lead I -ve and aVF +ve = right axis deviation lead I +ve and aVF -ve lead II +ve = normal axis lead II -ve = left axis deviation...
Positive in both leads I and aVF: normal axis (0° to 90°) Positive in lead I and negative in aVF: left axis deviation (-90° to -30°) or normal axis (-30° to 0°) Negative in lead I and positive in aVF: right axis deviation (90° to 180°) Negative in both leads I ...
The QRS complex duration is normal (0.08 sec). The QT/QTc intervals are normal (300/410 msec). However, the QRS complex has anabnormal morphology.The axis is right ward,between +90° and+180° (negative QRS complex...
Normal axis: Net positive QRS complex in leads I and II. Right axis deviation: Net negative QRS complex in lead I but positive in lead II. Left axis deviation: Net positive QRS complex in lead I but negative in lead II. Extreme axis deviation (–90°to 180°): Net negative QRS comple...
详细的心电图讲解 ECG (一)心血管传导系统cardiovascularintrinsicconductionsystem •窦房结SAnode•结间束internodalatrialpathways •房室结AVnode•希氏束AVbundle•右束支rightbundlebranches •左束支leftbundlebranches •Purkinje纤维网Purkinjesystem 心电轴旳检测determinationofaxis deviation 一般可根据肢体...
Evidence of heart positioning issueswhile looking for an electrical axis deviation. Various other heart dysfunctionscan be diagnosed by a cardiologist based on ECG results. What does an electrocardiogram not show? ECGs records a normal sinus rhythm for the following heart issues and followup tests ar...
心电轴的检测 determination of axis deviation 通常可根据肢体Ⅰ、 Ⅲ导联QRS波群的主波方向,以估测心电轴的大致方位: 判断方法 Ⅰ导联 Ⅱ导联 Ⅲ导联 正常心电轴 若Ⅰ、Ⅲ导联QRS波的主波均为正向波,则可推断为正常心电轴(0~90); 心电轴右偏 若Ⅰ导联出现较深的负向波,则属心电轴右偏; 心电轴左...
bundle 右束支 right bundle branches 左束支 left bundle branches Purkinje 纤维网 Purkinje system,(一)心血管传导系统cardiovascular intrinsic conduction system,心电轴的检测determination of axis deviation,通常可根据肢体、 导联QRS波群的主波方向,以估测心电轴的大致方位:,(二)正常心电图normal ECG,心电图...