期刊名称:PLoS Pathogens 期刊IF: 7.464 项目材料:埃及伊蚊 爱基提供技术服务:RNA-seq 合作单位:中国科学院动物研究所 Title(E) Ecdysone signaling mediates the trade-off between immunity and reproduction via suppression of amyloids in the mosquito Aedes aegypti 联系我们 Q Q: 270105245 1511879086 465436937 ...
Ecdysone is a major steroid hormone in insects and herbs. Ecdysone triggers mineralocorticoid receptor activation and induces cellular apoptosis. Ecdysone signaling through Ecdysone receptor isoform B1 is required cell autonomously for the muscle death. ...
Ecdysone signaling mediates the trade-off between immunity and reproduction via suppression of amyloids in the mosquito Aedes aegyptiAEDES aegyptiECDYSONEMOSQUITOESAMYLOIDSEXUAL cycleEGG yolkMOSQUITO controlREPRODUCTIONThe balance between immunity and reproduction is essential for many ke...
the connections between ecdysone and insulin are well established. It is thought that insulin may exert its effects on life span andstress resistancethrough alterations in ecdysone signaling (Tatar et al., 2003). Furthermore, ecdysone levels are regulated by DA andoctopaminesignaling (Rauschenbach et...
3Ecdysone signaling as a model for cell-cell communication via nuclear receptors Perhaps the best characterized hormones in insects are theecdysteroids, a group of polyhydroxylated steroids essential for development, growth, behavior, and reproduction.Drosophilasynthesize the predominant hormone,ecdysone, fr...
Conversely, interfering withecdysone signaling using an ecdysone receptor antagonist or knocking down the ecdysone receptor gene with RNAi resulted inan increased production of winged offspring. Our results are therefore consistent with the idea that ecdysone plays a causativerole in the regulation of ...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Identification of ecdysone receptor target genes in the worker honey bee brains during foraging behavior Shiori Iino , Satoyo Oya , Tetsuji Kakutani , Hiroki Kohno & Takeo Kubo * Ecdysone signaling plays central roles in ...
[88]. While such functional specificity ofmiR-14distinguishes cell death from cell survival, alternative pathways may exist to regulate salivary gland degradation in addition to ecdysone signaling. Ral, a member of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases, together with exocyst components, were also ...
[2]. Minglei Lu, et al. Activation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor by Ecdysone, an Adaptogenic and Anabolic Ecdysteroid, Promotes Glomerular Injury and Proteinuria Involving Overactive GSK3β Pathway Signaling. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 15;8(1):12225....
Yue Qian,Nicole Dominado,Richard Zoller,Chun Ng,Karl Kudyba,Nicole A. Siddall,Gary R. Hime,Cordula Schulz.  Ecdysone signaling opposes epidermal growth factor signaling in regulating cyst differentiation in the male gonad of Drosophila melanogaster[J]. Developmental Biology . 2014 (2)...