hop-count指定最大跳数。整数形式,范围为1~255,缺省值为255。如果指定的最大跳数为1,则不能同非直连网络上的对等体建立EBGP连接。 ipv4-address参数仅在BGP视图和BGP-VPN实例IPv4地址族视图下生效。 ipv6-address参数仅在BGP视图和BGP-VPN实例IPv6地址族视图下生效。
hop-count指定最大跳数。整数形式,范围为1~255。缺省情况下,EBGP对等体间允许的最大跳数为1,如果指定的最大跳数为1,则不能同非直连网络上的对等体建立EBGP连接。如果配置peer ebgp-max-hop命令时不指定hop-count参数,则缺省配置成255。 视图 BGP视图 ...
R1: interface LoopBack0 ip address # bgp 100peer2.2.2.2 as-number 200peer2.2.2.2ebgp-max-hop255peer2.2.2.2 connect-interface LoopBa 关系 原创 xingyun1113 2013-01-05 16:27:50 2802阅读 flinkHOPflinkhop消费停顿
如果配置peer ebgp-max-hop命令时不指定hop-count参数,则缺省配置成255。 视图 BGP视图 缺省级别 2:配置级 使用指南 应用场景 通常情况下,EBGP对等体之间必须具有直连的物理链路,如果不满足这一要求,则必须使用peer ebgp-max-hop命令允许它们之间经过多跳建立TCP连接。 BGP使用Loopback口建立EBGP邻居时,必须配置...
The default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is 1, a device cannot establish an EBGP connection with a peer on an indirectly-connected network. ipv4-address is valid only in the BGP view and BGP-VPN instance IPv4 address family view. ipv6-address is valid only in the BGP ...
The default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is 1, a device cannot establish an EBGP connection with a peer on an indirectly-connected network. ipv4-address is valid only in the BGP view and BGP-VPN instance IPv4 address family view. ipv6-address is valid only in the BGP ...
The default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is 1, a device cannot establish an EBGP connection with a peer on an indirectly-connected network. ipv4-address is valid only in the BGP view and BGP-VPN instance IPv4 address family view. ipv6-address is valid only in the BGP ...
The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 255. By default, the maximum number of hops in an EBGP connection is 1. If the specified maximum number of hops is 1, EBGP connection cannot be established between non-directly connected devices. If hop-count is not specified in the peer ebgp-...
The default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is 1, a device cannot establish an EBGP connection with a peer on an indirectly-connected network. ipv4-address is valid only in the BGP view and BGP-VPN instance IPv4 address family view. ipv6-address is valid only in the BGP ...
The default value is 255. If the maximum number of hops is 1, a device cannot establish an EBGP connection with a peer on an indirectly-connected network. ipv4-address is valid only in the BGP view and BGP-VPN instance IPv4 address family view. ipv6-address is valid only in the BGP ...