Buy & sell electronics, cars, clothes, collectibles & more on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Top brands, low prices & free shipping on many items.
Buy & sell electronics, cars, clothes, collectibles & more on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Top brands, low prices & free shipping on many items.
Compre e venda eletrônicos, automóveis, roupas e acessórios da moda, colecionáveis, artigos esportivos, câmeras digitais, artigos para bebês, cupons e muito mais no eBay, o mercado online do planeta
This is the price (excluding shipping and handling fees) this seller has provided at which the seller has sold the same item, or one that is virtually identical to it, in t...
“Your Privacy Choices” in our website footer and toggle the switch to “out.” To ensure your choice is permanently associated with your eBay account, please ensure you are logged in to your account before opting out. You may also exercise your opt-out of sale or share right, by going...
Check eBay Seller Center website of your country. Contact eBay merchant help by phone: My eBay > Help (top) > Contact > Sell > Call us You will get a phone number & reference that will allow eBay merchant center to access your eBay account. API error / Publication rejection When...
3. How are sellers protected by eBay’s seller protection policy? Sellers are eligible for seller protection as long as their eBay account’s performance level is rated as top rated sellers. The seller protection policy ensures the safety of online sales and helps prevent losses resulting from ...
Register for a new account on and keep your cookies intact. Within about a week, watch for a popup offering 10% off your first purchase when you visit the site. This discount is available without any special actions on your part, just be patient and ready to save. eBay Daily ...
"sellerAccountType" : "string", "username" : "string"}, "shippingOptions" : [ { /* ShippingOptionSummary */ "guaranteedDelivery" : "boolean", "maxEstimatedDeliveryDate" : "string", "minEstimatedDeliveryDate" : "string", "shippingCost" : { /* ConvertedAmount */ "convertedFromCurrenc...
Plus, if you choose an individual seller account, you pay a $0.99 closing fee for each sale. You can avoid the closing fee by opting for a professional seller account that costs $39.99/month. Find out more about Amazon’s fees. Pros of Amazon Amazon Prime keeps customers coming back for...