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只需要几分钟即可创建 eBay 账户。设置账户后,您可以购买和出售物品、向其他 eBay 会员发送消息,以及给买家和卖家留下信用评价。 下面的指南将向您详尽解释如何创建、管理账户以及进行自定义设置。您还将了解在遇到任何 eBay 账户问题时如何获得帮助。 设置账户 ...
您只需要提供电子邮件地址即可注册 eBay 帐户。设置帐户后,您可以购买和出售物品,还可以享受 eBay 会员的所有福利。
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Find and login my ebay account - the nstructions on how you can sign up an eBay account or login to ebay.com. Sign in or create an account.
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total integer Ttotal number of inventory items that exist for the seller's account.Get Inventory LocationOperation ID: GetInventoryLocation This call retrieves all defined details of the inventory location that is specified by the merchantLocationKey path parameter. Parameters Tabelle erweitern Name...
The seller can create and manage shipping promotional discounts using (Get/Set) ShippingDiscountProfiles calls in the Trading API or through the Shipping Preferences in My eBay. shippingServices array of ShippingService This array consists of the domestic or international shipping services options that ...
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