For sellers, you agree that we may display your listing for sale on an eBay site other than the site where you listed your item for sale, based on your shipping settings. You may adjust these settings as detailed in theInternational selling policy. If you list your items with an internatio...
It also appears that UK members are still being redirected to the US help boards. brian@ebay brittanie@ebay @worldofppe Going through the listing limits help page should get you to the right CS team to address this. Click on the contact option at the bottom of this page, then clic...
The seller has the option of limiting the offers that are retrieved to a specific eBay marketplace, or to a listing format. Get Payment Policies This method retrieves all the payment policies configured for the marketplace you specify using the marketplace_id query parameter. Get Payment ...
请记住,应用 selling limits,某些类别不包含在零刊登费物品刊登中。进一步了解 零刊登费物品刊登的运作方式,包括这些物品刊登的条款和排除条件。 使用零刊登费限制后,刊登费为: 如果物品未售出,则不退款 按物品刊登和按类别收费。因此,如果你 在两个类别中刊登物品,你也需要为第二个类别支付刊登费。 每次物品 重新...
If you haven't paid within 4 calendar days, a seller can cancel your order. If this happens, you won't receive your item and the unpaid item will be recorded on your account. Buyers who have excessive unpaid items or canceled orders may have limits imposed or lose their buying privileges...
#4. Higher Selling Limits The business account lifts many limitations that are imposed on personal accounts too. One of the most significant flaws of having registered for an eBay personal account is getting a minimum listing limit for items set to 10. The business eBay account raises the ceili...
Multiple accounts cannot be used to avoid selling limits or restrictions but can be used for practical selling purposes. Read the full policy Your account could be linked by eBay eBay assumes the same person maintains your accounts if you have used the same internet connection, browser, or...
With offices in US, UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia they are best place to help advise for selling across the world. Data Optimisation Fitment adoption Sales Growth Consultancy Learn more #Customer support #Training #Onboarding solutions (catalog creation) #Account Operation services #Listing ...
The program is only valid for Webinterpret-facilitated listings on the following eBay sites:,,,, and Fees for optional features (such as reserve price, subtitle, Gallery Plus, listing in 2 categories, ...
Review final value fees, listing fees, and promotional costs. Compare fees to previous periods to understand cost efficiency. Tax Details:some text Verify taxes collected on your behalf by eBay (e.g., VAT, GST). Note any discrepancies for reporting or reconciliation. Net Transfers:some text Re...